AHA Revamped!

For the Spring semester of 2019, the Appalachian Honors Association (AHA) underwent a change of leadership and set its course on a new goal with revamping AHA. AHA officers are:  Miguel Rice (President), Paige Skinner (Vice President), Anna Ruth Carmichael (Treasurer), Brad Rentz (Secretary), and Molly Campillo (Peer Mentor Committee Chair). AHA is still currently looking to fill three more positions: Community Service Chair, Social Media Chair, and an Event Programming/Coordinator Chair.  

There are several events that AHA wishes to bring into open discussion at the general body meeting on Thursday January 31. AHA is setting its sights on academically-grounded social events like a major mixer, service events like project condom and an ALS awareness walk, and community-building events like the spring formal. The main goal is to revitalize AHA and encourage more Honors students to get involved in the Honors and Appalachian community. We are holding the first general-body meeting of the semester on Thursday January 31, 2019 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Honors College library.  In general-body meetings, the AHA executive team will meet with other Honors students to share what will be happening for the future of AHA and the Honors College. 

Story by: Brad Rentz

Top photo features AHA officers (from left to right): Molly Campillo (Peer Mentor Committee Chair), Miguel Rice (President), Anna Ruth Carmichael (Treasurer), and Brad Rentz (Secretary). after their second executive meeting of the semester.  Vice President Paige Skinner is studying abroad this semester. Photo by Garrett McDowell.

Published: Jan 30, 2019 1:18pm
