Dr. Ken Shull Fondly Remembered in Honors

Dr. Julian Kenneth Shull, Jr. (Ken) age 76, Associate Coordinator of the Heltzer Honors Program (2004-2006), passed away peacefully at home Monday evening, March 5. Dr. Shull was a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biology at Appalachian State. He also served as the Director of the Prestigious Scholarship Program (2004-2006) and a member of the Honors Task Force committee (2005-2006).  

Dr. Angela Mead, Director of Student Services in the Honors College, worked alongside Dr. Shull in his tenure with Honors. She remembers, “Dr. J. Ken Shull was a remarkably kind and thoughtful person who was concluding his career just as I was beginning mine. Students loved his dry wit and sense of humor, and the fact that he cared deeply for each one of them. During his time with Honors, he implemented changes to the Prestigious Scholars Programs to help students to complete their research and apply for (and often receive) nationally competitive scholarships, and he often served as a mentor and role model for those young scholars. For me personally, he was exceptionally kind as I began my career in Honors, and was always encouraging me to continue my education, even forwarding me funny emails about graduate school and cats long after he had retired. Ken Shull was a consummate educator and friend, and we are grateful for his contributions both to Honors at Appalachian as well as me personally.”

 Click here for Dr. Shull’s obituary.


Published: Mar 9, 2018 10:39am
