Honors Alumna Hailey Pister (Fall ’17) has joined the Peace Corps service as a Health Extension Volunteer in Albania. Hailey departed on January 15 and has arrived safely. She has shared with us her blog (screenshot below) so you can follow her journey: https://hlpister96.wixsite.com/peacecorpsalbania/blog/
Hailey joined the Honors College as a current Appalachian State University student in January of 2015. In the Honors College at Appalachian, Hailey was a Pre-OT Psychology major with a minor in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She completed her Honors thesis entitled, What’s In a Name? Preschoolers Treat a Bug as a Moral Agent When It Has a Proper Name, with Dr. Robyn Kondrad in the Department of Pschology and Dr. Jack Kwong in the Department of Philosophy and Religion. Hailey received the Dr. Paul Fox Research Scholarship, which supports seniors who are doing research in Psychology. She co-founded the Autism Society of North Carolina Club on campus and served as that organization’s president. She taught English while on an Alternative Service Experience (ASE) in Ecuador. Hailey also served on the student conduct board, the Love Your Melon crew, and the impACT team.
Hailey reports that she moved in with a host family on Sunday, January 21st and is in the midst of learning shqip (Albanian). Stay tuned for her first on-the-ground report coming soon!
Story and top photo by: Garrett Alexandrea McDowell, Ph.D.