edited by Kistler Hunt
Volume 8, Issue 2
August 28, 2024
Hello Honors Family,
I hope your first week was fantastic! I’m excited to share our second memo of the academic year with you. This edition features Em Acuña, a wonderful addition to our Honors office team. Em’s positivity is contagious, and I’m always grateful to hear about their Honors experiences when they help us share the Honors story with prospective students and their families. Part of Em’s story is that they learned about the Honors office position through their Honors mentor. I love that Em felt supported by their mentor and is now paying it forward by sharing their story with prospective students. I encourage all of you to use this memo and your mentor to discover new opportunities. As we continue to grow as a community, let’s remember that the opportunities we embrace help us learn and grow together, fostering the collaborative environment that makes our Honors College special.
Best wishes,
Upcoming Opportunities:
Interim Dean Vicky is happy to help you apply; send her an email at klimavw@appstate.edu
CEL Community Fellows Program Information Session
The Office of Community-Engaged Leadership will be hosting an information session for its Community Fellows program on August 29 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. The Community Fellows program is a small group of students who service local non-profits to address social issues. They engage in advocacy, philanthropy, and education as a part of their work. For more information, click here.
North Carolina Honors Association Annual Conference Proposals
The 2024 North Carolina Honors Association (NCHA) conference will be held from September 20 – 21 at Western Carolina University. Applications for proposals for oral and poster presentations, panel discussions, or creative works are now open, and the deadline for submission is August 30. The early bird deadline to register for the conference is September 13. For more information and to register, click here. Honors College students submitting proposals should contact Interim Dean Vicky to learn about Honors College opportunities of support for attendance, including the possibility of funding for transportation and lodging.
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) Applications
The Office of Student Research is now accepting applications for Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA) for the Fall 2024 semester. URAs offer highly motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to work closely with an App State faculty member on their research, scholarship, or creative activity. After consulting with their selected undergraduate student, the faculty member is encouraged to apply. Applications are due by September 3 at 11:59 p.m. For more information and to apply, click here.
Journal for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Submission Deadline
The Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (UReCA), sponsored by the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC), is now accepting submissions for its 2024 edition. The deadline for submissions is September 1. As the only undergraduate research journal backed by NCHC, UReCA is solely composed of undergraduate work, and is also edited by undergraduate students. Students of any discipline can submit their work to be considered for publication. Honors students are encouraged to submit, but students do not have to be enrolled in an honors program to submit a work for consideration. For more information and to submit works for consideration, click here. For any questions, contact UReCA’s editor-in-chief.
Governor James E. Holshouser Jr. Award for Excellence in Public Service
Nominations for the James E. Holshouser Jr. Award for Excellence in Public Service are now open. The award honors a faculty member who has distinguished experience in university public service, has improved the quality of life for North Carolina citizens through their work, and has high levels of creativity and impact in their work. Students, faculty, administrators, and App State alumni can nominate faculty for this award. Nominations will be accepted through September 10 at 5:00 p.m. For more information and to submit a nomination, click here.
Stay in the Know:
Schaefer Center Fall 2024 Programming
Tickets for the Schaefer Center’s Fall 2024 season are now on sale. During their Fall 2024 season, the Schaefer Center will welcome a modern dance group, a folk music duo, a violin duo, and jazz band. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.
Tutoring Services
The Tutoring Center has resumed its tutoring services for the Fall 2024 semester. Students taking courses in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, and more are encouraged to use the Tutoring Center’s resources. Drop-in and appointment-based tutoring is available. For more information, click here.
University Writing Center Resources
The University Writing Center (UWC) has resumed its services for the Fall 2024 semester. The UWC offers students, faculty, and the wider Boone community the opportunity to receive writing assistance, no matter the subject or the stage of the writing process. Appointments must be made in advance. For more information, click here.
Campus Labyrinths
Two permanent meditative labyrinths have been installed on App State’s campus, one on Sanford Mall and one behind the Leon Levine Hall of Health Sciences. These physical spaces are carved out for wellness. For more information, click here.
Cooking with Purpose Workshops
The Office of Sustainability will be hosting cooking workshops, titled “Cooking with Purpose,” for App State students throughout the Fall semester. The goal of this series is to increase knowledge about how to prepare healthy food using sustainable ingredients and techniques, and to showcase ingredients that are inexpensive and typically available at the Mountaineer Food Hub. The upcoming workshops will be held on September 4, September 18, October 2, and October 16. All workshops are at 5:30 p.m. and will be virtual. For more information and to register for a particular session, click here.
In the Honors Spotlight
Introducing Em Acuña, Honors College front office student worker
Photo features Acuña. Photo submitted.
The Honors College is pleased to welcome Em Acuña as a front office student worker. Acuña joined the Honors College as a front office student worker beginning January 2024. Acuña is an Honors College junior majoring in psychology with a concentration in social science and a minor in media studies. Having been a student in the Honors College since the Fall 2022 semester, they came into this position already familiar with the Honors College community and mission ready to “spread the word and promote the college the best I can.” This job has provided and continues to provide Acuña and other student workers professional development. They shared, “My confidence when communicating and talking to others has only increased with this position and I’m forever grateful for that since I’m a pretty introverted person outside of this setting. The main things I would love to take away from this job are the connections I’ve made with the staff and other student workers and those students that I’ve talked to about App State.”
To learn more about Acuña and their role, click here to read the full story.