The Appalachian Honors Association (AHA!) has a newly elected Executive Team for the upcoming academic year. Showcased here are the new team members, their elected positions, and contact information. Read below to learn about and get to know the new, 2021-2022 AHA! Executive Team. Click their names to reach out and get involved!
President: Abigail Burchard
Photo above of Abigail Burchard by Peter Cooper.
“My name is Abigail Burchard, and I’m currently a junior psychology major here at App State. I became a member of AHA! as a first-year student because I wanted to be more connected with other Honors College students. I’m so glad I did, because AHA! and the greater Honors community has been an integral part of my college experience ever since. I’m very honored to have the opportunity to continue working with an organization like AHA!, and I am so excited to see what our new executive team has in store for us in the future!”
Vice President: Elizabeth Haslam
Photo above of Elizabeth Haslam. Photo submitted.
“Hi everyone! My name is Elizabeth Haslam and I am a rising sophomore in the Honors College at Appalachian State University, a cellular and molecular biology major on a pre-pharmacy track. I am excited to be serving as the Vice President of AHA! next year and am looking forward to planning fun and engaging events for the Honors Community! I am also a Peer Advisor for the Health Professions Advising Office and enjoy helping people navigate their paths to become health care professionals. Additionally, I am a member of the Catholic Campus Ministry and care deeply about my faith. I am also conducting research here on campus and am thrilled to begin exciting pharmaceutical research in the fall. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends and family and exploring the beautiful sights in Boone. I look forward to serving you all as Vice President and working to build the Honors Community!”
Secretary: Zoe Storm
Photo above of Zoe Storm in Greensboro, NC, with her puppy Tank. Photo submitted.
“Hey y’all! My name is Zoe Storm, and I am looking forward to getting more involved within the Honors College at App! A little bit about me: I am a first-year student majoring in exercise science, and I love to be active in any way possible, physically, or socially. I also chose to do my entire first year online, so it has been challenging to develop connections within the Honors community. By becoming a member of the AHA! Executive team, I hope to not only further my personal involvement within the Honors College but also help to make it a fun and exciting atmosphere for everyone involved.”
Treasurer: Alisa Duong Alisa Duong at an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Fall of 2019. Photo was taken by a fellow Honors College student, Rebecca Brown.
"Hi! My name is Alisa Duong and I'm a current sophomore majoring in cellular and molecular biology here at App! Through the Honors College and AHA!, I have been given the opportunity to meet and converse with people who share my same interests and goals both inside and outside of the classroom. The program has also provided me with a small, safe community within a large campus that I'd love to share with others. Outside of the Honors College, I am also a member of the Health Professions Club and Delta Delta Sigma Pre-Dental Honor Society where I meet with grad school professors and students who can offer me advice on dental professions. With that being said, I hope to one day become a pediatric dentist and open my own dental practice! I am also a part of my church's chapter of the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement where I partake in two of the most important aspects of my life, my culture and faith. I look forward to serving as Treasurer of AHA! next year and hope to be able to use my acquired skills from other clubs I'm a part of to carry out my tasks! I am excited to work with my fellow Exec Team members to help organize events for the Honors College and give back to the community at large!”
Event Coordinator/Host: Abbey Martin
Abbey Martin in her hometown of Athens, Georgia, fall 2020. Photo submitted.
"Hi there, I'm Abbey Martin and I am looking forward to being the Event Planner/Host for AHA! I have always loved event planning and getting people out socializing with their peers, from dragging my reluctant friends to new clubs at school, to planning out every single one of my family's vacations since I was little. I also worked for an etiquette school where I taught other people how to host events, fine dine, and ballroom dance! I have a very friendly personality and I love getting to meet and talk to other people about literally anything, so social events are my cup of tea. I’m excited to be a member of AHA!'s exec team, and help everyone find ways to come together during the pandemic!"
Service Chair: Ella Brose
Photo above of Ella Brose. Photo submitted.
"Hi! My name is Ella and I’m a sophomore. Since starting at App State, almost all of my involvement has been service oriented. My freshman year I was a part of the Service and Leadership RLC, I am currently part of the ImpACT team within the ACT office. I interned at the Hunger and Health Coalition and am a part of a national service fraternity. I also started my own nonprofit in high school and have even partnered with corporations such as Starbucks for large scale drives. I feel like my purpose in life is to help as many people as I can. I would like to work in the nonprofit and/or public sector so this is a lifelong commitment and passion for me. :) I love working with others and am ecstatic to help connect AHA! to the community through service."
Social Media Coordinator: Anna Carroll
Photo above of Anna Carroll in Greenville, NC. Photo submitted.
"As a marketing major, I am the perfect fit for a social media manager! I have experience running websites and advertising programs on multiple social media programs. With me as your social media manager, you will always have the most up to date info on what’s going on in AHA!."
Social Media Coordinator: MJ Finney
Photo above of MJ Finney on January 15, 2021. Photo submitted
"I believe that two skills are crucial for a Social Media Coordinator. The SMC needs to communicate well and love the people they serve. I love both! In our age, communication is done in various ways through several online platforms. As an English major, I am always working to improve my communication skills. I believe that social media communication should be creative and entertaining. As your SMC, I will strive to pair written posts with fun images/captions. More important than the skill level and the imaginative ways to reach people, is a desire to listen. People are exciting, and they all have a story to tell. Sometimes we forget that we have two ears and only one mouth. The SMC needs to be an excellent listener in order to be a good communicator. In summary, I love talking to people, and I am excited to serve as the SMC."