By Kistler Hunt
The Honors College faculty-led trip to Vienna, Austria, from May 13 — June 2, 2023, focused on art, music, architecture, and literature from 1700 to the present day including a prominent point in Austrian history — the fin de siècle, or the end of the century. Students who participated earned six semester hours of credits for HON 2515 and HON 3515: Culture and Arts in Vienna. Drs. Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Reeves Shulstad, professor of musicology in the Hayes School of Music, and Jim Toub, professor in the Department of Art led the trip.
In this course, students navigated the various cultural expressions in Vienna during the turn of the 20th century. The group viewed some of the most prominent locations of these revolutions on display in Vienna, Austria’s capital city. They visited the Melk Monastery, or Esterházy Palace, the place where renowned string composter Joseph Hadyn composed most of his works. They also visited Mozart’s Vienna home, natural history museums, attended performances at local Viennese opera houses, and much more.
Honors College rising senior Samantha Sileo, who majors in music therapy, describes her experience,
Being immersed in Viennese culture was extremely helpful when learning about the works of the fin de siècle, as I could see and hear them in person.
Photos above (top) features a portrait of Napoleon at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria, and (bottom) Lydia Smith at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. Photos submitted.
The trip’s impact extended far beyond learning about the history of Vienna. Honors College rising senior Shelby Rochez, who majors in music performance with a concentration in violin, described that one of the most memorable parts of the trip was the friendship that she was able to build with all of the Honors students on the trip. She shared, “I wasn’t expecting that 19 people from different areas of study who didn’t know my name would become some of my coolest friends.”
Top photo features students on the HON 2515/3515: Culture and Arts in Vienna trip, summer 2023. Photo submitted by Lydia Smith.