November 13, 2019

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Brad Rentz

Volume 3, Issue 13

November 13, 2019


Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch

Dear Honors students, here are three outstanding opportunities for you: to serve, explore graduate programs at Appalachian, and share an Honors Thanksgiving dinner! Please read: 

1.  App Builds a Home:  Help complete fundraising:  App State and Watauga Habitat for Humanity are building a home for a local family, and a wonderfully generous local donor will match all contributions received by 12/31.  Please come to the Honors library (Appalachian Hall, 2nd floor) on Tuesday, November 19th, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. to write a few snail-mail "ask" letters to friends and family (bring names and addresses). 

2.  Lunch with Honors:  Consider Graduate School at Appalachian!  On Tuesday, November 19th, from noon to 1 p.m., colleagues from App State's Graduate School will come to the Honors College with LUNCH and GOOD INFORMATION about the 40 Masters programs, 23 graduate certificate programs, 2 doctoral programs, and 3 graduate specialist programs at Appalachian.  No pressure, just important info, and food for thought. Please RSVP now by sending me ( an email!

3.  Staying in Boone for Thanksgiving holiday?  Lucky you! Honors College Director of Advising and Student Services Dr. Angela Mead is offering any Honors students with no plans for Thanksgiving dinner a place at her generous holiday table. She writes:  Please get in touch with me if you're staying in Boone:!

In gratitude to all,



The photo above shows the Honors Library.  Honors Students have 24/7 access to the library with secure swipe card access. Photo by Callie Matthews.


Upcoming Opportunities: 

Junctures in Women’s Leadership: The Arts

On November 21, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. in the Table Rock Room of the Student Union, you can listen to the public lecture by Judith K. Brodsky and Ferris Olin describing a historical perspective on feminist art leadership, applicable to all fields. For more information, visit our website.

Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) Information

The Office of Student Research is now accepting applications for the Spring 2020 URA Program. The deadline to submit your application is midnight on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.  For more information, click here.

Honors Symposium at UNCG!

Honors students are invited to propose to give a paper at Lloyd International Honors College's 20th Annual Undergraduate Honors Symposium on Friday, February 28, 2020.  The deadline to submit your papers is Friday, December 20, 2019.  Submissions will also be considered for three awards given to the top three visiting papers. For more information, visit our website.

Get Involved with App Builds a Home

App Builds a Home is the first-ever Appalachian State University partnership with Watauga County Habitat for Humanity to build a Habitat house from start to finish for a local family in need. The students, staff, faculty, alumni, families, and friends of App State are working together to raise the funds and provide the volunteers to build this house for the Barker family, parents Amy and David and their kids Nathan (6) and Kali (5).  To register, volunteer, or for more information, click here.

Opportunity to Participate in Honors Thesis Research

Are you curious to test your knowledge of personal finance? Participate in Tristan Pike’s survey about financial characteristics, and personal finance behaviors of Appalachian State University students.  Fill out this 10-minute survey as soon as you can!


Upcoming Thesis Defenses:

Jeff says, “Support your fellow Honors College students and faculty by attending Honors thesis defenses! You'll marvel, learn, and grow. And each defense you attend, you'll make your own easier”

Michelle Jaluvka: November 18, 5:15 pm, Room 213 Broyhill Music Center, a music performance – clarinet major, will present The Exclusion of Women in Music: An Exploration of the Western Canon.

Sope Kahn: November 20, Noon, 163 Appalachian Hall, an art education and gender, women’s and sexuality studies major, will present Queering Clay Bodies.


Stay in the Know…

Anthropology Brown Bag Series: Brian Zimmer

The Anthropology Department’s Brown Bag Series is continuing this fall semester with several guest speakers throughout the semester.  All guest speakers will be in Belk Hall 342 at noon.  Next week, on November 20, Brian Zimmer will visit to present “Photogrammetry and Footprints: Finding What We’ve Been Missing”  For more information about the Brown Bag Series, click here.

GWS Lecture Series: Kim Hall

Appalachian’s Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies program is hosting a lecture series on campus this fall.  Next week, Ellen Lamont will present Queering Philosophy” on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.  All lectures in this series are in 114 Belk Library from 6 to 7 p.m. For more information, visit our website.

Trampled by Turtles

On February 25, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the Schaefer Center, the music group Trampled by Turtles will perform.  Tickets are on sale now; student tickets are only $20!  For more information, click here.

Study Away Course 2020: Law & Order: Chicago

Dr. Ellen Key and Dr. Cathy Marcum are offering a May intercession study away named "Law & Order: Chicago."  This course will meet Monday-Friday during the week of May 11-15, 2020 and then travel to Chicago from May 17-23, 2020.  The application deadline for the course is January 17, 2020. To apply and learn more, visit our website.


In the Honors Spotlight


Honors Sarah Caudill spends summer interning at the Department of State

 sarah caudill internship

App State intern Sarah Caudill, far right, with leaders in Washington, D.C. With her, from left to right, are Angela Woods, Caudill’s supervisor in the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Academic Exchanges; Macon Barrow, a branch chief in the U.S. Department of State; Kay Cole James, president of the Heritage Foundation; and Caroline Casagrande, deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of State. Photo submitted 

This past summer 2019, Honors Sarah Caudill interned at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the Office of Academic Exchanges working on the Mandela Washington Fellowship. Caudill is currently earning her Bachelor of Science in sociology with a concentration in social inequalities.

For more on Caudill’s summer internship, click here.


Honors wordsmith awaits law school 

 lindsey bookout

The photo above features Honors alumnus Lindsay Bookout ’16. Photo by submitted. 

Honors alumna Lindsay Bookout '16 has become a self-employed freelance proofreader while she studies for the LSAT and works towards law school for fall 2021. Like many Honors students, Bookout has pursued multiple areas of study across disciplines. She graduated from Appalachian with three B.A. degrees:  in English with a concentration in professional writing, in political science, and in languages, literatures and cultures with a concentration in French and Francophone studies. 

To read more about Bookout, her accomplishments, and her service, click here. 


To Stay in the Know and Learn About All Opportunities in Honors, please visit


Appalachian State Honors College on Social Media!

Check us out on Instagram also! Find us by searching “Appalachian Honors College” 


Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: 


Have news to share? Submissions to the Honors Wednesday Memo can be made by emailing Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.