Global Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies
Ph.D., University of Michigan (International History)
Teaching Experience:
During my first few years at Appalachian, I taught freshmen primarily, usually in general education, most often in interdisciplinary programs. Recently, my research interest has merged more fully with my teaching; now I teach students of all ages in Global Studies, with a special emphasis on my area of research, Cuba and its relationship to the US. I also teach the theory and practice of interdisciplinary to majors in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program. It's a full load, to be sure, but I always enjoy making time to teach a section of HON 1515 whenever possible.
Why I like to teach honors courses:
I love teaching in honors because of the students. They are curious, ready to work, and most of all, ready to learn. It's always a pleasure not only to introduce honors students to new, interesting, and (dare I say) cool material and concepts, but also to watch them grow intellectually, cognitively, and personally. Not surprisingly, I have found myself learning from my honors students, who never fail to challenge me to be my absolute best all the time.