April 7, 2021

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Lakin Stevens

Volume 4, Issue 28

April 7, 2021


Dear students, faculty, staff, friends,

At Appalachian, Honors is not just honorary. Honors is intellectual, personal, and professional development at high levels, guided by expert faculty and staff members.

In the Honors College and in our 35 Honors programs in departments and colleges across this great university­, an Honors education culminates in an Honors thesis. For each Honors student, this means bringing a major research, scholarly, or creative project to completion over many months and sometimes years, with all the deep learning and maturing that such work makes possible.

This spring semester, some 80 to 100 Appalachian Honors students, each mentored by at least two extraordinarily dedicated faculty members, will complete and defend their Honors theses, in the Honors College and in departmental Honors programs. Attending their thesis defenses (and I attend as many as my schedule permits) is one of the great privileges of my life. I emerge from each with new hope for our human future, and proof of the power of an Appalachian education.



Honors senior Emily Sharpe defending her Honors thesis on April 5, 2021. Stay tuned for announcements and reports of future thesis defenses.


Upcoming Opportunities:

Dean Jeff is happy to help you apply; send him an email at vahlbuschjb@appstate.edu.

The Writing Center is Hiring

The Writing Center is actively seeking diversity among their staff and welcomes applicants from all backgrounds and identities. They are seeking fresh perspectives from consultants coming from varying experiences and majors. Working as a writing consultant is an intense learning experience and resume builder. For more information, contact Assistant Director of University Writing Center Julie Karaus.

International Education Career Talks

Are you thinking of a career in the field of international education? The Office of International Education and Development is hosting a series of short talks for globally minded students who are considering careers in international education, whether in study abroad or international student advising. The next two sessions will take place on April 16th and April 23rd from 3:00 – 4:00 pm each. The first session will focus on teaching English abroad in various countries while the latter will discuss international student advising and cultural outreach. Contact Karen Binger Marshall to register for the event.

Sage Corps Career Accelerator Program

Live and intern in Chicago this summer from June 14th – August 6th as a part of Sage Corps Career Development Program, with remote abroad and remote additional options as well. Intern with a local startup out of Chicago’s premier startup hub 1871 and attend organized social, cultural, and professional development events as well. Reach out with questions here. Apply by April 18th here.

Call for Artists from North Carolina Museum of Art

The North Carolina Museum of Art is hosting their first NCMA College Virtual Trivia Night. The NCMA is looking for college aged artists interested in showing their process for creating artwork in the form of a short video. This is a great opportunity to promote your work. Click here to apply by May 1st. Students can also just register for the free trivia night and play along.

Office of Graduate Admissions Fall 2021

The Office of Graduate Admissions offers graduate programs, accelerated admissions, and graduate information sessions to help you learn more. The fall 2021 application can be found here and is open until July 1st.


Upcoming Thesis Defenses:    

Dean  Jeff  urges, “Support your fellow Honors College students and faculty by attending Honors thesis defenses! You'll marvel, learn, and grow. And each defense you attend, you'll make your own easier.”    

To receive the Zoom link to a thesis defense this semester, please write to  honors@appstate.edu.    

Mary Alice Faunce

12:00 – 1:00 pm April 7th  

Presenting “Intersections between Education and Art-Making”  

Caleb Wright  

3:00 – 4:00 pm April 8th  

Presenting “The Effects of U.S. Events on Sentiment Relating to Minority Groups on Twitter”  

Becca Gwyn

10:00 – 11:00 am April 9th  

Presenting “Elementary School Students and the Roles of Socioeconomic Status and Adult Involvement Considering the COVID-19 Pandemic”  

Kami Heath

4:00 – 5:00 pm April 14th  

Presenting “Female Representation in the Horror Genre: An Analysis of the Hitchcock Era and Beyond”  


Stay in the Know:

20th Annual Diversity Celebration

Appalachian State University is hosting the 20th Annual Diversity Celebration. The kick-off will feature award-winning slam poet Paul Tran in a live stream performance April 8th at 6:00 pm. Starting on April 9th from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, Sanford Mall will host the festival activities. The celebration will end with a drive in movie showing of Zootopia at the State Farm Parking lot. Gates open at 7:30 pm. For more details, visit here.

Dr. Noah Shenker on the Future of Holocaust Testimony

The Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies invites the public to an online lecture by Dr. Noah Shenker of Monash University live from Australia. “Beyond the Era of the Witness: Testimony, Digital Media, and the Afterlives of Holocaust Memory” will take place on April 8th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Register here.

Virtual Book Launch: Meat! A Traditional Analysis

Join this virtual celebration of the book Meat! A Traditional Analysis published by Duke University Press. Contributors to this book including Dr. Sushmita Chatterjee, associate professor and director of AppState’s Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, trace shifting boundaries of the meanings of meat across time, geography, and cultures. The panel, moderated by editors Drs. Sushmita Chatterjee and Banu Subramanian, will feature comments from the book’s contributors. Register here to attend on April 9th at 1:00 pm

Virtual Research Forum on Re-Mediating the Past

The Office of Research presents its Virtual Research Forum Re-Mediating the Past featuring Humanities faculty scholarship, including Honors faculty. The event will be held April 16th from 12:00 – 1:30 pm. Presenters include Dr. Mary Valante (History), Dr. Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand (Languages and Literatures), Dr. Cameron Gokee (Anthropology), Dr. Heather Waldroup (Art/Honors), and Dr. Kristen Baldwin Deathridge (History). Contact here for any questions and register here to attend.

Spring 2021 ARTtalk Series

The Turchin Center for the Visual Arts presents its Spring ARTtalk series featuring a dynamic roster of artists and topics. The next and last event is Rowhouse Workshop on April 14th at 6:00 pm. Join Brian Phillips share the insight and process behind the exhibition, Rowhouse Workshop, currently being exhibited at the Turchin Center. Register for free here.

In the Honors Spotlight 

Honors Student Mackenzie Millet Co-Directs App Builds a Home (ABAH)

 Pictured in 2019, volunteers raise the walls of the first App Builds a Home project — a home built for the Barker family. This year, with extra safety precautions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, walls will be built by small crews of volunteers in the Peacock Hall Parking Lot on Appalachian State University’s campus the week of April 19. Photo by Chase Reynolds.

Honors junior Mackenzie Millett, majoring in exercise science major with a minor in business, as the co-director of App Builds a Home (ABAH) has helped fundraise 96% of their $40,000 goal toward the cost of Shelia Potter’s home. Potter is an Appalachian State University employee in Facilities Operations. Through ABAH’s project with Habitat for Humanity, Potter is able to help construct her new home and make monthly mortgage payments on a no-interest home loan. Millett explained the importance of community including the Honors community in fundraising, “The university community and those in the Greater Boone area have stepped up to help us raise funds, in spite of the pandemic. To me that is awe-inspiring, because we all know how important it is to have a safe place to call home.” 

Read the full story by Jan Todd in the Appalachian Today here


Have news to share? Submissions can be made to honors@appstate.edu. Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.

To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!