Spring Break ASE in Belize

Honors Freshman Maggie King spent Spring Break in Belize on the Alternative Service Experience (ASE) "Reimagining Rainforests:  Sustainable Agroforestry and Community Development” program. About the experience she shared, “I have never been more challenged as I was this Spring Break. The challenges took both physical and mental form. Physically I learned how to row a canoe, swing a machete, and craft boxes from bamboo. But the majority of my growth was not through these new skills, but rather the nightly reflection. This was one of the first times in my life I have taken a step back from the day to day and looked at my life as a whole. I am thankful that this powerful experience took place during my first year at Appalachian. I know this will not be my last ASE program.”

Photo contributed by Maggie King.

Published: May 26, 2016 10:46am
