Clark Streets contributed the following reflection and photo from his recent and transformational semester abroad in Vigo, Spain.
Arriving in Vigo, Spain without a place to stay, with an unsettled course plan, and having to speak a completely different language for the next five months, I will admit that I was a tad anxious. During my semester abroad in Vigo, I lived with two Spaniards who barely spoke any English. I took four courses taught in Spanish, and I met people from all over the world while traveling. I was forced to deal with issues when they arose on my own and in a different language and culture. That included having to call the Spanish Apple headquarters when my laptop stopped working, and traveling to the Vitrasa bus system office after forgetting my phone on a bus in a city the size of Raleigh. Appalachian State gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. It was an experience that I will never forget and one that I highly recommend to other students. I remember meeting with my Honors Mentor a few months prior ; she told me that she expected me to stumble and struggle but come out on top a stronger and better person because of it. I can now say that she was absolutely correct. I am indeed a different person now. I am more confident, able to navigate cultural difference, and grateful. I attribute these changes to my time abroad.
What you will find while abroad is that it is impossible to take enough pictures, to talk to enough people, and to see enough places. It really is a unique and special experience. The attached photograph is from Oporto, Portugal. Oporto was less than two hours via bus from my city of Vigo and 18-euro round trip, so I enjoyed this city on four separate trips.
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