Use the resources and forms below to prepare your thesis, let us know how to visit your thesis defense, and submit your thesis document. Click here for full information on the steps for thesis completion and here for our Honors College thesis and graduation calendar, which is helpful in organizing your path.
Preparing the thesis
Honors College Thesis Plan Submission Form (for University Honors students)
How to complete an Honors thesis (courtesy of the App State Writing Center)
Defending the thesis
Honors College thesis defense notification form (for University Honors Students)
Submitting the thesis
Thesis Binding Information Form (only required when purchasing bound thesis copies)
TouchNet Payment (only required when purchasing bound thesis copies)
Open Air Thesis Submission Form (optional inclusion in Open AIR, Appalachian State University's institutional repository).
Thesis Metadata Form , required for submission to Open AIR, Appalachian State University's institutional repository.
Thesis Release Form, required for submission to Open AIR, Appalachian State University's institutional repository.