Congratulations to Honors senior Dominic Ysidron who has been accepted and fully funded at Ohio University beginning Fall 2018 semester. Dominic is a graduating senior double majoring in psychology and philosophy. At Ohio University, Dominic will be pursuing his doctorate in clinical health psychology working with Dr. Christopher France, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology.
Congratulations also to Dominic on the successful defense of his Honors thesis, "Warmth and Competence: Social Inference Reaction Times." For this research, Dominic worked with mentor, Dr. Andrew Monroe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology. Dr. Matthew Ruble, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, served as his second reader. The top photo shows Dominic at his Honors thesis defense on Monday, April 23rd in Belk Library.
At Ohio University, Dominic intends to pursue research into the area of pain. When asked how he has found use for his second major of philopsophy, he responded, "In applying to graduate schools, I have seen how my interdisciplinary background made me stand out from other candidates." From the topically-based Honors seminars, to the Honors thesis requirements, the interdisciplinary Honors curriculum provides students the opportunity to gain depth and breadth that sets them apart.
Story and photo by: Garrett Alexandrea McDowell, Ph.D.