Shown here, Savannah Ray, Alex Prevatte, DJ Willett, and Maddison Staszkiewicz are at the Cholula pyramid in Puebla, Mexico. Savannah and Maddie are Universidad de las Americas, Puebla (UDLAP) for a month of clinical observation with different medical practices, while Alex and DJ are doing environmentally-related research with Dr. Erick Bandala Gonzalez. Dr. Bandala is a Professor in the Department of Chemical, Food, and Environmental Engineering at UDLAP who spent six months at ASU in 2014 on sabbatical as Visiting Professor in the Department of Technology and Environmental Design. Prior to the four current students, Dr. Bandala has hosted two students from the Honors College at UDLAP, one in the Summer of 2012 and one in the Summer of 2013. Dr. Bandala and his chemical engineering team are working to development of sustainable technology for water and wastewater treatment.