By: Teagan Jones
Honors College student Ella Cooper is studying abroad at the University of Granada - Centro de Los Lenguas in Moderna, Spain. She originally planned to study abroad from January 29 to May 24, 2024, but her Honors College International Education Scholarship allowed her to stay through July 12. Cooper majors in international business with a minor in Spanish. She joined the Honors College in the Fall 2021 semester and plans to graduate in May 2025. Cooper shared that her study abroad experience has connected her further to her Honors education. She stated that,
“I don’t think I fully appreciated the Honors College before I got to Spain… Now that I’ve studied in another country, in another educational environment, where all classes are small and conversation based with more weight on personal research and projects than exams, I can see how beneficial the Honors program has truly been for my education. I also feel that the extra knowledge I’ve gained through the Honors College and seminars (the info I would not have learned within my degree) enables me to have intelligent and invigorating conversations with people from all around the world. For example, Spain is currently in a state of drought, and my sophomore year seminar ‘The Global Water Crisis’ taught by Dr. Shea Tuberty has enabled me to have stellar conversations with my host mom and other Spaniards about the current state of water supply in Spain.”
Cooper described her experience studying abroad as
So scary and intimidating at first, but the most rewarding thing you will do in your young adult life.
She further explained that “the Honors College is well equipped to help students find opportunities… there are so many out there, and you never know until you try.”
Photo above features Honors College student Ella Cooper exploring a scenic hike in Barcelona, Spain. Photo submitted.
During her study abroad, Cooper has been living with a host family that she connected with through the third-party organization, AIFS. Living with a host family not only helped her improve her Spanish and learn about new Spanish dishes and slang, but it has also supported her greatly during her time abroad. She says that her host family has been the “best and biggest blessing.”
Photo (left) features Arthurs Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland. Photo (right) features Monachils in Granada, Spain. Photos by Ella Cooper.
At the University of Granada, Cooper has taken four classes — international marketing, Spain and Latin American economics, oral Spanish, and Spanish grammar. Her classes solidified her passion for international business, shaped her perspective, and helped her gain credit towards her major and minor. She says,
“Mostly, my classes challenged my views. Before, I had the naive blanket mentality that every country and their economy functions similarly to that of the US. I’ve also learned to swallow my pride and ask questions if I don’t understand something, even if it's super simple.”
In the future, Cooper aspires to teach English in Spain before pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA). She explained how her study abroad experience has helped her to prepare: “studying abroad has shown me the ropes of international travel and living abroad, the visa process, and connected me with Americans who currently teach English in Granada through Spain’s North American Language and Culture Assistants, among so many other things.”
Top photo features Honors College student Ella Cooper feeding birds on her Spring 2024 study abroad in Granada, Spain. Photo submitted.