By Kistler Hunt
Dr. Joseph Gonzalez, associate professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, and Emily Daughtridge, professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance led students to Havana and Viñales, Cuba from June 9 – 21, 2023. While abroad, students engaged in a variety of experiences, including: salsa dance classes, visiting a Santeria neighborhood (a popular religious practice in Cuba), visiting a tobacco farm, horseback riding, and much more.
With this trip, each faculty instructor taught a separate three semester hour course, and students earned a total of six semester hours of credits for HON 2515: Cuba Libre, and HON 3515: Rhythm and Revolution in Cuba. Dr. Gonzalez taught Cuba Libre in which they explored Cuban history and politics emphasizing the origins of the Cuban Revolution, with students learning why Cuba and the United States have a long history of animosity. Professor Daughtridge taught Rhythm and Revolution in Cuba, focusing on “the dynamics that have shaped and continue to affect Cubans and their relationships to their experiences there and beyond – through dance.” Both faculty leaders described this learning as necessary background that allowed students to immerse themselves in Cuban culture while in the country.
During the trip, students were strongly encouraged to take all opportunities to immerse themselves in Cuban culture. Dr. Gonzalez noted, “We ask them not to read in Cuba, or be on their phones. Instead, we ask them to experience, and then write about their experiences while in Cuba — and talk about them with other students. This metacognitive component of the course invites students to think more intentionally, and deeply, about their learning experiences — which again separates what we do from tourism. To make this point more vivid, we have conversations, kind of like class time but less formal, about what we’re learning, where students read from their journals and share their opinions.”
Photos above feature (top left) students at a Cuban baseball game, (top right) students after taking a dance class in Havana, Cuba, (bottom right) students and faculty traveling on an excursion, and (bottom left) a group of students on the trip swimming. Photos submitted.
Rising junior Evan Hiemenz, a political science major with a minor in sustainable development, explained, “We were looking to avoid ‘touristy’ attractions and get a better sense of the Cuban experience, we often got to interact with average citizens and get a better idea of what their lives are like, especially in a nation like Cuba.”
Honors students Melia Carswell and Ryan Stukes, both rising seniors majoring in psychology and interdisciplinary studies, respectively, enjoyed learning about the socioeconomics, politics, and history of Cuba. Carswell describes,
It is a very delicate situation, with many lives impacted. Through it all, Cubans have used dance and music to maintain various parts of their heritage. I have a strong appreciation for Cuban dance and music in my life because I have gone through this experience.
Photo above features (from left to right) Honors College students Mary Sterett, Lilah Philips, James Moser, and Pruett Norris riding in an old Cuban car in Havana, Cuba, on June 11, 2023. Photo submitted.
Jaime Suggs, a rising senior majoring in psychology with a concentration in social science, noted that she was able to further her Honors experience through this trip by “building a better understanding of how a nation’s political and economic states interact with each other. This has helped me to consider new perspectives when considering historical and current events and to open my eyes to the unique perspectives of Cuban Americans.”
Top photo features students on the Honors College faculty-led study-abroad trip: Cuba Libre, summer 2023. Photo submitted.