Honors Taylor Gibbs Spends the Fall in Lancashire, England

Honors’ Taylor Gibbs studied abroad in the Fall of 2018 in Preston, England at the University of Lancashire.  Gibbs chose this University because it offered classes relating to both her major and minor, a desirable location, and perhaps most importantly for Gibbs, there was a quidditch team that that she could play on.  Regarding her study abroad experience, Gibbs said:

“I cannot express how great my time abroad was. Aside from learning in an environment outside the U.S. education system, I was able to experience an entirely different culture than my own. From exploring England by train with my friends to trying their different types of food, I learned so much about the British lifestyle. It made me realize that the world is bigger and more beautiful than I thought as I lived outside my American bubble and got to meet some amazing people. My favorite moment in England was when I got to play in the regional quidditch tournament. Although those two days were the most exhausting days of my life, it was great to play such an awesome sport in a different country. Ultimately, I recommend that everyone should do it if they have the opportunity because this experience truly changed my life.”

Gibbs has since returned to Appalachian and has begun working as an Honors Study Abroad Ambassador. Her time abroad inspired her to make an impact once she returned home. She now helps students every Thursday from 2 to 3:30 with any study abroad questions they may have.  


Photo above features Gibbs (front left) abroad with her quidditch team at a match. Photo submitted.


Top photo shows Gibbs posing in front of the iconic 9 3/4 train passage to Hogwarts. Photo submitted.

Story edited by Brad Rentz

Published: Mar 21, 2019 10:21am
