March 18, 2020

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Brad Rentz

Volume 3, Issue 25

March 18, 2020 

Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch

Dear Honors College students,

1. Here's a secret:  what might feel to you the proverbial 'deafening silence' (why haven't I heard from App, or the Honors College?) is actually the sound of hundreds of focused professionals getting courses and processes redesigned and ready, almost overnight, to keep your Appalachian and Honors College education moving forward. We will get there!

2.  Here's some news:  Yes, we have cancelled or are cancelling the Honors College Spring Course Preview (March 17), the AHA! Spring Formal (April 4), probably several AHA! + Honors College Thursday "Study Breaks," many Honors Vanguard recruiting events and tours of the Honors College, and the chance for several students and faculty to attend the Southern Regional Honors Council Conference in Birmingham, Alabama. But Honors College courses will continue, Honors College advising and mentoring will go forward online, fall semester registration and Honors thesis defenses will still happen, we will get HON course preview material to you through email, and we will develop new ways to help us maintain and enhance our great Honors College community—even while practicing the "social distancing" that will help us bring this current virus crisis to an end.

3. And here's a promise:  the Honors College is many good things, but its foundation is "unconditional support" for each other—for you, our students, and for our staff and faculty members. We will be in touch often in the days to come, disseminating important information, keeping you up to speed as new developments demand new responses, and finding ways to celebrate who we are and to keep working together to improve your Honors College. Please reach out to me and/or to your Honors College academic mentor with questions, suggestions, or concerns about any aspect of your re-designed spring semester.  Email is the best route, and if you send me a phone number, I will call you back.

Remember:  "freak not out!"  We will get through this.



Photo above features Honors first-year student Sammie Little meeting online for preregistration advising with Honors Academic Mentor Dr. Garrett McDowell on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Photo submitted. 


Upcoming Opportunities:

Aesthesis: Call for Submissions

Submit your academic or creative work to Aisthesis, the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Honors Program journal. The submission deadline is March 20, 2020.  If you are hoping to build your resume, share your work, and publish as an undergraduate, this is the perfect opportunity for you! For more information, visit our website.

Climate Literacy Education Survey

The Student Government Association (SGA) is asking students to participate in a survey about climate literacy education at Appalachian. The short, five-minute survey, can be found on our website by clicking here.

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund Applications

This fund is designed to provide academic scholarships to student activists who are organizing for social change and building progressive movements on campus and in the community. Applications for this scholarship are due by April 1, 2020. To learn more about this opportunity, visit our website.

East Boone Market Internship

The East Boone Market (EBM) is searching for Marketing Intern for the 2020 growing season. Consisting of Full Moon Farm, Ironsong Flowers, and Hatchet Coffee Roasters, the EBM is looking for an intern to design and create promotional materials for the market. Students interested should send a cover letter, resume, and example work to the EBM by clicking here.

Master of Science in Athletic Training

Admission to the Master of Science in Athletic Training Program at Appalachian State is now open! Students interested in a dynamic career in sports medicine should consider applying to this opportunity. For more information on this program, visit our website.


Stay in the Know… & AHA Upcoming: 

There are no campus events for us to announce in our AHA! Upcoming or Stay in the Know… sections this week. The university is following the UNC System and CDC guidelines about large events and mass gatherings. CDC guidance on events continues to evolve. You can find here all the latest information on the university’s response to COVID-19


In the Honors Spotlight

Anyone Can Dance!


The image above features the Anyone Can Dance logo. Image from Anyone Can Dance.

Check out this video, Anyone Can Dance!: giving dance to the heart of the high country, by Honors junior Rachael Anne Kelley, who is majoring in English and minoring in non-profit organizations, and new media and digital cultures. Her video features Emily Sharpe, an Honors junior and elementary education major who has created Anyone Can Dance! (ACD!), a pay-what-you-can dance program for the community in Boone.  In this video, Sharpe tells the story of how the Honors College service-learning experience during welcome week in August 2017 led her to establish this community accessible dance program.

To read the full story, click here.


Dr. Ellen Lamont Featured in the news

Dr. Ellen Lamont, departmental honors coordinator and assistant professor in Appalachian’s Department of Sociology, has recently been featured in multiple news outlets discussing her latest research on gender roles and dating.  Dr. Lamont's, The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date, was recently published and released by the University of California Press.


To read more from Devin Mullins and the full story, click here.

To Stay in the Know and Learn About All Opportunities in Honors, please visit

Appalachian State Honors College on Social Media!

Check us out on Instagram also! Find us by searching “Appalachian Honors College” 


Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: 


Have news to share? Submissions to the Honors Wednesday Memo can be made by emailing Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.