Dr. Ellen Lamont, departmental honors coordinator and assistant professor in Appalachian’s Department of Sociology, has recently been featured in multiple news outlets discussing her latest research on gender roles and dating. Dr. Lamont's, The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date, was recently published and released by the University of California Press. For the full story about this publication from the Department of Sociology, click here . Don’t miss the faculty author event that will take place Tuesday, March 24 from 5-6 in 417 Beacon Heights PSU.
Building on that research, Dr. Lamont was one of two expert guests on January 14, 2020, 89.3 KPCC “AirTalk” interview discussing the current trends in marriage proposals and gender equality. Click here to read the full text of that interview.
Dr. Lamont was invited to write an article for The Atlantic, If You Want a Marriage of Equals, Then Date as Equals: Why are many dating practices a throwback to an earlier era?, published on Valentine's Day. In addition, she was interviewed for an article in The New York Times on the newly released film, "Portrait of a Lady on Fire." For more on both of these news features, click here for the story from the Department of Sociology.
In the Honors College, Dr. Lamont has also directed numerous Honors theses like that of Madison Armstrong (’17), Challenging Normative Representations Of Women’s Sexual Agency In American Television. Armstrong is currently working towards her doctorate in sociology at the University of Arizona, ranked as one of the 25 best programs in sociology in the country. Click here for that full story.