May 26, 2021

Honors Monthly Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Lakin Stevens

Volume 4, Issue 33

May 26, 2021


Dear Honors students and friends,

Today marks our annual transition from the Honors Wednesday Memo (which appears weekly during fall and spring) to the Honors Monthly Memo (which appears once at the end of May, June, and July). Like the HWM, the HMM offers great "information and opportunities for Honors students" AND for the wonderful people that support them and Honors education at Appalachian, including faculty, staff, administrators, and Honors parents and benefactors.

In addition to special opportunities for students, this HMM offers all readers a special treat. Check out our spotlight story below to learn about each of our May 2021 Honors College graduates:  their major(s) and minor(s), their Honors College thesis title, and the names of their awe-inspiring thesis advisors + readers. Reading this will lift your spirits, guaranteed!

Sending best wishes to all for summer days to treasure.



Dr. Jeff Vahlbusch, dean of Appalachian State University’s Honors College, carries the university mace during the Spring 2021 Commencement ceremony held Saturday, May 8, at 9 a.m. in App State’s Holmes Convocation Center. Photo by Marie Freeman.


Upcoming Opportunities:

Dean Jeff is happy to help you apply; send him an email at

First-Year Leadership Education and Development Opportunities

Interested in developing your leadership skills? Apply for the Plemmons Leadership Scholars, a four-year cohort based scholarship program providing personal, professional, and leadership development. Apply by May 31st. Apply for the Leadership in Action Residential Learning Community (RLC). Live in Elkstone Hall and participate in a leadership course and community project. Apply by May 31st. Sign up for the course HPC 2700 Principles of Leadership Course which offers a 3 credit hour active learning experience. Find details here.

Appalachian Energy Summit Virtual Student Poster Competition

The Appalachian Energy Center invites college students to submit an abstract for their energy-related research or project and be a part of the virtual Appalachian Energy Summit through June 23-24th. Posters should be submitted as slide decks with an optional video and should focus on “why this matters,” how does the research or project: inform about ways to reduce climate impacts, positively benefit society and the environment, or advance clean energy technology or behaviors. Submit an abstract by May 31st and more information here.

Montañera Queer Narrativa Constructiva

María Conchita Genevieve Hofman Hernandez, educational leadership doctoral candidate, is seeking participants who will serve as co-creators in a translingual collaborative space for identity affirmation and healing through creative and political narrative. Students must identify as female, Latina, and queer. No writing experience or skill level required. Spanish proficiency is not required either. For more details, click here to apply.

Appalachian Voices is Hiring

Appalachian Voices in coordination with the Energy Justice NC Coalition is hiring a project coordinator to assist in the development of a “People’s Energy Plan” for the state of North Carolina. The plan is a grassroots effort to create a platform for systemic energy market reform that is rooted in social justice and supported by diverse stakeholders that have not traditionally had a voice in energy policy debates. Learn more here.

Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture is Hiring

Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture is currently hiring several positions: satellite project coordinator, food hub assistant (satellite project focus), producer support AmeriCorps VISTA member, and F.A.R.M. Café AmeriCorps VISTA member. For job descriptions, click here.


Stay in the Know: 

Helping Students Find Balance During Breaks

The Counseling Center has created a new self-help guide “Finding Balance During Breaks” that includes tips for maintaining healthy routines, relationships, and more during breaks from school. Explore here to view the Self-Help page of the Counseling Center website and other materials.

Sustained Dialogue Virtual Skill Series

Do you want to build spaces to have challenging conversations about issues that matter? The Sustained Dialogue Virtual Skill series is a 10 week virtual program open to students, faculty, and staff. Attend on Wednesdays from 1:00 – 2:30 pm from May 26th through August 4th. Sign up here.

Summer 2021 Craft Enrichment Courses

Registration is now open for Craft Enrichment Summer Courses that serve the university and community. Novices, hobbyists, and advanced students are welcome to join classes led by professional artists and crafts people in facilities with professional-level equipment. Find details and registration links here.

Title IX Public Hearing

The United States Department of Education’s office for Civil Rights (OCR) announces a virtual public hearing to gather information for the purpose of improving enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. At the hearing, members of the public may comment on steps that Department can take to ensure that schools are providing students with educational environments free from discrimination in the form of sexual violence. Register here to attend June 7-11th.

Southern Alliance Virtual Career Fair

The Career Development Center is hosting the Southern Alliance Virtual Career Fair on June 16th from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. The career fair will feature full-time, internship, and co-op career opportunities with employers nationwide. Register to attend here


In the Honors Spotlight

Celebrating our Spring 2021 Graduates


Photo collage above features 39 of our Spring 2021 Honors graduates! All photos submitted.

At the Honors College Spring 2021 Zoom Graduation Recognition Ceremony held May 6, 2021, the Honors College celebrated fifty-one students with majors in 26 different departments who defended their Honors theses and graduated with University Honors. The graduates completed a minimum of 24 academic credits including researching, writing, and defending a culminating Honors thesis under the guidance of faculty members from at least two academic departments; became an integral part of our Honors College community; and studied abroad or met our international education requirement in another way. Some of our students have also earned departmental Honors in their majors. In this ceremony, we recognized each graduate individually.

Read more about each graduate here.


Have announcements to share? Submissions can be made to Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue. 

Have a story to share? Share what you have done, what you are doing, or what you will be doing by submitting a story here

To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!