September 8, 2021

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Lakin Stevens

Volume 5, Issue 4

September 8, 2021

Dear Honors friends,

One of the things I most like about being Honors dean is all the chances I have to define—and re(de)fine—Honors education at Appalachian, in conversation and collaboration with Honors students, faculty, parents, staff members, friends.

Part of my inspiration for this exciting work comes from Dr. Sam Schumann (1942-2014), a long-time national leader in Honors and a former chancellor at UNC-Asheville and the University of Minnesota - Morris. I heard Sam say more than once: "Honors is trying to do undergraduate education as well as it can be done." Honors Colleges and departmental Honors programs are thus communities in which students and faculty and staff gather to experiment and create new opportunities, to innovate, to grow together.

I especially like Sam's insistence on the 'trying' and striving, our collaborative pursuit of an ever-changing goal.

Sending gratitude to all involved in this great pursuit, and all who make it possible at Appalachian!



In Appalachian Hall in front of Dean Vahlbusch’s office, Ms. Jessica Yandow (Honors College office manager) asks the Honors community “What do you want in Honors this year?” We love to see the community engagement and excitement as we start a new academic year! Photo by Lakin Stevens.


Upcoming Opportunities:

Dean Jeff is happy to help you apply; send him an email at

The Appalachian: Now Hiring Advertising Sales Account Executives

The Appalachian is hiring for advertising sales account executives open to currently enrolled, full-time students from any major or class level. Advertising sales account executives will be responsible for handling advertising sales for The Appalachian for its print, digital, broadcast, out-of-home newsstand and social media properties. Training will be offered so prior sales experience is welcomed but not required. Contact here with any questions and apply on Handshake here.

App State Voter Coalition

Are you interested in voter registration? App State Voter Coalition is a nonpartisan group of students aiming to execute a variety of engagement activities focusing on voter registration and education. Visit here to read more and apply here.

Mentor with Western Youth Network

Western Youth Network (WYN) mentoring program helps youth between 6 to 17 in Avery and Watauga Counties who need support and guidance. Become a community-based mentor by committing to 2 hours a week or 8 hours a month for an academic year. Or become a school-based mentor by committing to meeting at a local school during lunch, 1 hour a week or 4 hours a month with youth ages 5-9 for an academic year. Learn more about WYN here and apply here.

Join the Building Insurance Talent Community

The Building Insurance Talent (BIT) community is designed to expose underclassmen and transfer students from underrepresented backgrounds who have never heard of the insurance industry to learn about the opportunities in the industry. The program requires five 1 hour sessions with free lunch September 10th – October 1st, a free group trip to New York City to network with insurance companies October 21st – 24th, and much more. Apply here and contact Lacy Schmidt with any questions.

Sustained Dialogue Fall Events

The Sustained Dialogue at Appalachian is part of the international Sustained Dialogue Institute program that prepares community members to deeply engage in difficult conversations. This fall there will be moderator training and an accessible housing dialogue circle. Moderator training is a 10-week skill series meeting on Mondays, September 13th -November 29th from 3:30 – 5:00 pm where you learn to facilitate dialogue groups and guide participants toward open, inclusive dialogue. The Dialogue Circle will focus on housing accessibility on Tuesdays, September 14th – November 16th from 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Sign up here for training and here for the dialogue circle.


Stay in the Know: 

Counseling Center Group Teletherapy

The Counseling Center is offering group teletherapy Fall 2021. Quick access groups help you get started fast and learn practical skills: Anxiety Toolbox and Kind Mind. These meet weekly for 3 sessions on Tuesdays 1:00 – 1:50 pm and Thursdays 2:00 – 2:50 pm, respectively. The DBT Support Group will meet weekly on Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:00 pm to teach effective strategies to enhance your life and well-being. Find more group options focused on understanding self and others, food/mood, LGBTQQ+, support group for students of color, and trauma recovery group here.

2021-22 Student Resource List

The Office of Student Success has compiled a list of campus resources to support students towards success. Click here to explore.

Health, Wellness, and Safety Week

Wellness and Prevention Services is hosting Health, Wellness, and Safety Week from September 7th – 14th. Upcoming next is the Glow, Run Dance on September 9th, App Allies training for faculty and staff on September 9th, the Title IX Forum on September 13th, and App Allies training for students on September 14th. For more details, click here.

Student Mindfulness Classes

Wellness and Prevention Services is offering mindfulness classes for students to cope with stress, get better sleep, increase their focus, and experience less self-judgement. Upcoming class options include Tuesdays, September 14th – October 5th from 2:30 – 3:45 pm with Elisabeth Cavallaro and Laurie Rivera in Levine Hall or Wednesdays, September 15th – October 6th from 5:00 – 6:15 pm with Ginger Bryant and Clarinda Choice. Additional classes start in mid-October. Explore the options fully here 

Volunteer with High Country Caregiver Foundation

High Country Caregivers is a nonprofit organizations that provides ongoing services to grandparents (or relatives other than parents) raising grandchildren. They provide community addiction education, financial support for health-conscious youth activities, counseling, and support for children in the program. Volunteer for the foundation at a fundraising event, A Night at Chetola, on September 14th at 5:00 pm. Find more details here and contact here with any questions.


In the Honors Spotlight 

Honors senior Nataly Jimenez serves as an immigration advocate

Nataly Jimenez, from High Point, is an Appalachian State University Honors College senior majoring in sociology-criminology, deviance and law, with a minor in psychology. After graduation, she plans to attend law school and become an immigration lawyer. Photo by Chase Reynolds. 

Nataly Jimenez, an Honors College senior majoring in sociology-criminology, deviance and law, with a minor in psychology, plans to attend law school and become an immigration lawyer. In Honors at Appalachian, Jimenez is doing immigration research for her Honors thesis in addition to serving as an immigration advocate. She is working with Dr. Felicia Arriaga, an assistant professor in App State’s Department of Sociology, as her Honors thesis director. Jimenez own experience growing up in an immigrant family has inspired her goal to become an immigration lawyer, advocating for the rights of families like her own.

Read more about Jimenez here and the full story in the Appalachian Today here.


Have announcements to share? Submissions can be made to Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue. 

Have a story to share? Share what you have done, what you are doing, or what you will be doing by submitting a story here

To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!