November 3, 2021

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Lakin Stevens

Volume 5, Issue 12

November 3, 2021


Dear Honors College and departmental Honors students and faculty,

Can it be true that STUDY ABROAD is now possible again, or becoming possible again, for students at Appalachian and in the Honors College?

I'm delighted to tell you that YES: it can, and it is, and it will be, to many countries. We can now begin exploring, and applying, and planning again.

TODAY (Wednesday 11/3) from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in PSU 137, Grandfather Ballroom, our wonderful OIED (Office of International Education and Development) held their Education Abroad Fair. If you missed it, please visit here soon, and plan to drop by OIED's office (PSU 321) to spark your thinking and planning, to gather some possibilities, and to talk to folks who know.

We in the Honors College are thrilled to think that our students will soon be able to fulfill their Honors College international education requirements through travel, time, learning, and experiences abroad. Appalachian and OIED and the Honors College take the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff travelers very seriously, of course, and OIED is monitoring the situation in each country. Decisions on when to permit travel and when to postpone or cancel it have always depended and will always depend on the given situation. This was true pre-COVID and during all phases of the global pandemic to date, and is true now.

So please start dreaming, and don't forget: the generosity of private and Appalachian State benefactors to the Honors College dedicated to supporting living and studying abroad means that Honors College students may apply for some financial support to make their international travel more affordable. Here is the application link. 

And I and all Honors College academic mentors would be happy to talk about any and all of this. Bon voyage, gute Reise, have a good trip:  soon!




Photo features Dalton Nagy, first year Honors student, working in the flower garden outside of Appalachian Hall on November 1, 2021, and doing a self-directed service project planting flower bulbs donated by Lowes. Photo by Ethan Bradley.


Upcoming Opportunities:

Dean Jeff is happy to help you apply; send him an email at

LSAT Ally Masterclass Opportunity

LSAT Ally is offering the opportunity to attend a free LSAT Masterclass via Zoom. The topic is “Applying to Law School 101” held on November 4th from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Interested students can register here.

Catalyst by LeaderShape: Leadership Development

The Office of Community-Engaged Leadership is offering students the leadership development opportunity called “Catalyst by LeaderShape.” Catalyst is a one-day program focused on learning to develop an authentic path, connecting to groups and causes you care about, and commiting to a plan to be a catalyst for yourself and your groups. Attend on November 6th in the Plemmons Student Union. To nominate a student for this opportunity, click here. Contact here with any questions.

Apply for the George Williams Garrett Memorial Scholarship 

The George Williams Garrett Memorial Scholarship was established in 2017 by Mrs. Shelia Garrett to honor her late husband George Williams Garrett, an Air Force Vietnam veteran. The Garrett family is devoted to scientific research, especially research for medical applications. This scholarship provides $1,000 to support a student in the Honors College at Appalachian who is interested in pursuing careers in scientific research. The scholarship is to fund expenses outside of the classroom such as costs associated with research or travel. The award may be renewable. Apply by November 12th here.  

Rhythm & Revolution: Cuba June 2022  

This summer the Honors seminar Rhythm & Revolution: Cuba is being offered in the first summer session May 23rd – June 24th. In this program, Honors students will earn 6sh of credit for both HON 2515 and HON 3515 seminars. Learn how to dance and eat like a Cuban. Learn about Cuba’s history from a Spanish colony to a Marxist-Leninist state. Meet Cubans in schools, restaurants, workplaces, and homes. No knowledge of dance or Spanish necessary. Read more here and contact faculty instructors Emily Daughtridge or Joseph Gonzalez with any questions.   

Adult and Juvenile Intensive Osteology Research Workshops

In summer 2022, ArchaeoTek / BioArch Canada hosts 4-week long intensive training programs. The Adult Osteology Research Workshop and the Juvenile Osteology Research Workshop will train students, undergraduate and graduate, to conduct osteological analyses and frame appropriate research questions. Learn more about the program here and contact Dr. Andre Gonciar here with questions.


Stay in the Know: 

Education Abroad Fair

The Office of International Education and Development is hosting the Education Abroad Fair today, November 3rd from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm in Grandfather Ballroom of the Plemmons Student Union. Learn about opportunities to study abroad and there is a $500 scholarship raffle for attendees.

Wilkes Community College Winter Online Courses

Wilkes Community College is offering online, 5-week Wintermester courses for those who want to get ahead, catch up, or just stay connected with academics over the holiday break. Courses run December 6th –  January 5th . Find all details here.

Detective Superintendent Steve Collins

The Department of Government and Justice Studies will host the International Panel Series on Immigration, Human Rights and Policing on November 3rd starting at 10:45 am in Parkway Ballroom of the Plemmons Student Union. Join Detective Superintendent Steve Collins, Head of the International Crime Coordination Centre for the National Police Chief’s Council in the United Kingdom, to discuss terrorism investigation and policing assessment. Learn more here.

Carole Moore McLeod Entrepreneur Summit

Students, faculty, staff, and community members are invited to join the Center for Entrepreneurship on November 5th for the 18th annual Carole Moore McLeod Entrepreneur Summit. The future belongs to those who can think like an entrepreneur and can apply their unique talents to solving problems worth solving. Come discover how to adapt and thrive in our ever-changing world. Register here.

9th Annual Suicide Remembrance Night

Wellness and Prevention Services invites you to the 9th Annual Suicide Remembrance Night on November 18th at 7:00 pm in Parkway Ballroom of the Plemmons Student Union. The night of remembrance and community healing will feature student and staff speakers, performances from Ear Candy and Dylan Innes, and activities to promote hope and healing. Those unable to attend in person may view the livestream here.


In the Honors Spotlight 

Luca Coleman works as a research assistant with Dr. David Dickinson in grant-funded sleep study

Top photo features Honors junior Luca Coleman (left) with Dr. David Dickinson (right), professor of economics at Appalachian State University. Photo submitted.

 Honors College junior Luca Coleman is currently working with Dr. David Dickinson, professor in the Department of Economics, on his research sleep study. Dr. Dickinson has taught the Honors seminar, HON 3515: Experience & Behavior Economics, two different semesters in the Honors College, and directed multiple Honors theses. To learn more about Dr. Dickinson’s current grant-funded research study, click to read How does sleep affect your decisions? App State’s Dr. David Dickinson conducts grant-funded studies to find out, a story by Megan Bruffy posted Sep. 29, 2021 in AppalachianToday.


Through this opportunity, Coleman is developing valuable research skills and exploring ideas for their own Honors thesis research. Coleman is double major in anthropology and economics, who spent the summer of 2021 doing ethnographic fieldwork in Mexico under the direction of Dr. Jon Carter, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology. Coleman applied and was admitted to the Honors College in Spring of 2020 after entering App State in Fall 2019 as a first-year student. With their interest ranging across two departments and colleges, and with a cultural, historic, and geographic focus on Mexico, Coleman’s Honors thesis will become an interdisciplinary project typical of Honors College theses.  

Read more here


Have announcements to share? Submissions can be made to Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue. 

Have a story to share? Share what you have done, what you are doing, or what you will be doing by submitting a story here

To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!