November 29, 2023

edited by Kistler Hunt

Volume 7, Issue 14

November 29, 2023


Dear Honors community,

Today's memo features Honors College alumnus Brad Rentz, former HWM editor and current town planning manager. As Honors College STEM academic mentor, I met several students who were interested in city planning. I should have connected them to Brad! Our alumni are a great resource and the Ask a Mountaineer platform (also mentioned in today's memo) is a wonderful way for current students to build connections and receive advice through our App State alumni network. When I look back at my previous HWM memo introductions, I see a theme emerge. The Honors College wants to push you to engage beyond yourself, to learn and grow in community with others. Your Honors College faculty, staff, and fellow students are there to support you in your journey. I now realize that I should add Honors College alumni to this list of eager supporters. 




Upcoming Opportunities:

Interim Dean Vicky is happy to help you apply; send her an email at


George Williams Garrett Memorial Scholarship Application

The Honors College has extended applications for its George Williams Garrett Memorial Scholarship until 11:55 p.m. on December 1st. The Scholarship provides $1,000 support to students in the Honors College who are interested in pursuing careers in scientific research. The scholarship is open to students in all fields of science, but preference will be given to students who are planning on a career in medicine or medical research. This award has the option for renewal. Applicants must fill out the application in consultation with their research mentor and include a letter of recommendation from their mentor. Click here to learn more about the scholarship and click here to complete the application.

Reading Day Cookie & Snack Exchange

The Honors College will be hosting a cookie and snack exchange for students on Reading Day on December 6th from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in Appalachian Hall rooms 161 and 162. Come celebrate the end of the semester with the Honors community; we will have a variety of cookies and snacks. For more information, contact the Honors College.

SDAP Peer Support Program

The Scholars with Diverse Abilities Program (SDAP) is seeking male students to be college life peer supports. College life peer supports provide a positive, safe, and secure residence environment for scholars with diverse abilities. They live in the residential hall with Scholars, provide friendship and mentorship, help develop independent living and social interaction skills, and are available for Scholars during most evenings and weekends. Peer supports are paid for their time. For more information and to apply, click here.

SRHC Logo Contest

The Southern Regional Honors Council (SRHC) is seeking student-made designs that will be put into consideration for the organization’s new logo. The logo may be used in a variety of media including print, promotional materials including those promoted online, and other visual collateral. Entries will be evaluated according to relevance, originality, and aesthetic quality and the winner will receive a monetary prize. The deadline for submissions is January 31st, 2024. For more information and to submit a work, click here.

App State Master of Public Health (MPH) Program

A newly formed Master of Public Health (MPH) program at App State is accepting applications for its inaugural Fall 2024 cohort. The program will focus on applied public health, with a special focus on rural resilience and sustainability. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. For more details about the program and how to apply, click here. For any questions, contact Program Director Dr. Richard Christiana.


Upcoming Thesis Defenses:       

Interim Dean Vicky urges, “Support your fellow Honors College students and faculty by attending Honors thesis defenses! You'll marvel, learn, and grow. With each defense you attend, you'll make your own easier.”      


Wayne Blanchette

November 30, 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.

Appalachian Hall, Room 185

Presenting “Mapping gene expression patterns related to gastric motility in zebrafish”


Olexandr Ramsey

December 1, 8:15 – 9:45 a.m.

Contact Honors College for Zoom Link

Presenting “Shakespeare! The Musical”


Dy’Quan Kearney

December 1, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Appalachian Hall, Room 162

Presenting “The Role of Insulin Signaling in Drosophila Nociception”


Ben Pluska

December 4, 10:00 – 12:00 p.m.

Belk Library Conference Room, Room 421

Presenting “Sensing Environmental Injustice Amidst Late Industrialism in Snow Hill, North Carolina”


Jacob Clapp

December 4, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Appalachian Hall, Room 162

Presenting “Influences of 5-HT7R containing neurons within the Drosophilamelanogaster brain on locomotor and escape behaviors”


Sofie Salcedo

Thesis Performance: December 5, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m., Looking Glass Gallery, Plemmons Student Union

Thesis Defense: December 6, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., Belk Library Conference Room, Room 421

Presenting “Leafmeal” (performance)


Maggie Slade

December 6, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Living Learning Center Great Hall, Room 205

Presenting “Land Relations and Implications for Indigenous Health and Food Sovereignty”


Lily Schroeder

December 6, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Anne Belk Hall, Room 342

Presenting “Florebo quocumque ferar (I will flourish wherever I am brought): An analysis of Greco-Roman influence on early Christian architecture and landscape”


Stay in the Know:

Visiting Writers Series Presentation

The Department of English is hosting its Hughlene Bostian Frank Visiting Writers Series, which features renowned authors who present about their work. The final presentation for the semester will feature poet Liz Robbins. She will host a craft talk and reading on November 30th from 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., respectively. For more information, click here.

Hayes School of Music Upcoming Events

The Hayes School of Music has a variety of performances coming up in the next few days. The events include: their annual Holiday Scholarship Concert (December 1st), Celebrations & Tragedies from the Appalachian Symphony Band and Appalachian Wind Ensemble (December 2nd), I’m Healed from the Gospel Choir (December 3rd), and a performance from the Glee Club (December 5th). For more information and details for each event, click here.

Study Abroad Opportunity in Ethiopia

The Department of Nursing will be leading a faculty-led study abroad trip to Ethiopia in the summer of 2024. Students will learn about the different influences on health in Ethiopia, the health outcomes, and what is being done to address issues from the public, private, and NGO perspectives. Students will also engage in service learning alongside Ethiopian physicians. The program is open to all majors, but health science majors will especially benefit from the trip. For more information about the program, click here.

Ask a Mountaineer

The Office of Alumni Affairs has developed a new service that connects students and recent alumni with alumni who are available for questions. Titled “Ask a Mountaineer,” the service uses artificial intelligence to pair student or alumni questions with the suitable alumni who can provide answers. After a few short questions, students are connected with alumni. For more information about the program, click here.

Schaefer Center Spring 2024 Season

Throughout the spring semester, the Schaefer Center will be hosting a variety of events that showcase the arts and the beauty of the arts. A variety of events will be featured, but they include: symphonies, musical artists, and dance groups. For more information on the Spring 2024 schedule, click here.


In the Honors Spotlight

Former Honors Wednesday Memo editor serves as planning manager of Summerfield


Photo features Rentz hiking in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Gunnison, Colorado. Photo submitted.


Former Honors Wednesday Memo editor Brad Rentz ‘20 ‘21 currently works for the town of Summerfield, North Carolina, as a planning manager and is happily married to his wife, Jenny. The lessons Rentz learned from his time as editor have served him well, even after graduation. Rentz was the second editor of the Memo, serving from January 2018 to August 2020. Rentz remembers fondly his experiences as Memo editor and his time in the Honors College. He reflected, “The Honors education paired with the HWM editor responsibility forced me out of my comfort zone, regularly. It gave me the structure of a future (post-college) job where I had deadlines that several people depended on me to make. The Honors College also exposed me to a different population of students at Appalachian. I went into many scenarios cold or without preparation, which helps with my current position as citizens come in randomly throughout the day and their questions or requests of me are almost never the same.” The Honors College is invested in the holistic development of students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need for long-term success. We are excited to be building a deeper network of Honors alumni like Rentz who are invested in the Honors College.

To learn about Rentz and his work with the Town of Summerfield, click here to read more.