October 2, 2024

edited by Kistler Hunt

October 2, 2024


Notes from Interim Dean Vicky Klima and Honors Wednesday Memo Editor, Kistler Hunt: 

Hello Honors family,

I hope you’re all safe and managing as best as you can. In light of the recent disaster, we are pausing our regular Memo to focus on ways you can give and receive help. Many of you are still trying to reach loved ones and dealing with issues like power and water outages. As I check in with our Honors faculty, I’m moved by their outpouring of care for you and for each other, even while facing difficulties of their own. Please know that App State is working hard to assist our campus and region, and we are incredibly grateful to all the emergency responders, volunteers, and utility workers for their amazing efforts. Our community is strong; I’m so proud of all of you for coming together during this challenging time. If we can do anything in the Honors College to help you, please reach out to me directly.

Best wishes,


Dear Honors,

I am wishing all the best for you as we are navigating through this difficult tragedy. Like many of you, witnessing the place you have called home for so long be decimated by a storm is heartbreaking. However, seeing our community members unite to help assist with hurricane relief is very moving. These efforts truly define what it means to “give your all to Appalachian State.” I wish nothing but the best for you all as we navigate the coming days and weeks.  While it may be difficult, I have no doubt that we will overcome this together.

All the best,



Community Resources:


Appalachian State Disaster Relief Fund

This fund provides support to students, faculty and staff to help cover immediate needs related to the disaster. To apply for support from the fund, visit the Resource Fair in the Dean of Students Office (see below).

Appalachian State Resource Fair

Beginning October 2, students, faculty and staff who need support and resources should visit the Dean of Students Office (Room 324 of the Plemons Student Union) between 10:00 – 3:00 p.m. Staff will be there to support you in areas such as housing assistance, insurance education (renters/homeowners, auto, flood), and other essential needs.

Appalachian State Disaster Relief Recourses. The Appalachian State Disaster Relief Resources page contains a list of recourses and will be updated as additional recourses become available. Currently the webpage highlights

  • FEMA assistance for homeowners and renters;
  • the emergency shelter in the Holmes Center;
  • free meals at Central Dining Hall;
  • health care and counseling available on campus;
  • areas on campus for students, faculty, and staff to take showers, do laundry (for free), and access Wi-Fi.

If you have any problems accessing this webpage, please text Interim Dean Vicky at 828-260-0403 and she can share the information you seek via text.

Boone Area Chamber of Commerce Watauga County Resource Information. The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting Watauga County’s Official Resource Information. The website is currently sharing information about

  • locations across our county serving meals free to the public;
  • water distribution at Watauga High School, Skate World, Wine to Water Warehouse, and the Linville Post Office;
  • free K-6 child care at Hardin Park Elementary School;
  • pet boarding for evacuees at the Pet Care Clinic of the High Country;
  • insulin distribution (limited quantities) for those in need at the Hunger and Health Coalition;
  • cleanup assistance including tarping, muck-out assistance, and tree-removal provided by Baptists on Mission and Samaritan’s Purse.

If you have any problems accessing this webpage, please text Interim Dean Vicky at 828-260-0403 and she can share the information you seek via text.


Giving Back:

The Appalachian State Disaster Relief Resources page and the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce Watauga County Resource Page share opportunities to give back to our community. These include

  • Volunteering with the Appalachian Medical Reserve Corps to assist with the non-emergency phone line. Volunteers will be under the direction of a supervisor and will be trained on how to process calls. To sign up, click here.
  • Volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse to help with tree work, debris cleanup, roof tarping, and muck-outs. To sign up, click here
  • Donating to the App State Disaster Relief Recovery Fund (supporting impacted students, faculty, and staff), the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation (supporting small business and community assistance), and/or the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund
  • Providing cleaning supply kits (5-gallon buckets, mops, cleaning supplies, paper towels) to the Boone Chamber drop-off location at The Summit Pickleball Facility, 278 Industrial Park Drive, Boone, NC, between 8:00 - 6:00 p.m. Contact the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce at info@boonechamber.com or 828-264-2225 for more information. 

To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!