October 16, 2024

edited by Kistler Hunt

Volume 8, Issue 8

October 16, 2024


Notes from Interim Dean Vicky Klima and Honors Wednesday Memo Editor, Kistler Hunt:

Dear Honors community,

You are what make our Honors College great and I am so happy to have you all back on campus. Your kindness, generosity, and resilience have been inspiring during these challenging times. As we return to classes, remember that we don’t expect you to make up the lost instructional hours or to be in the same emotional place as before. We are all adjusting and we in the Honors College are here to help. Reach out to me, your academic mentors, or your Honors faculty for support. Please don’t forget to take time for yourself—whether it’s a walk or dinner with friends, these small breaks can help you recharge. Keep supporting each other as we move forward together.

Best wishes,



Dear Honors family,

Welcome back to App State! I’m excited to get back into the swing of things. As we return to a routine, be sure to take care of yourselves. This is certainly a different experience for all of us, so don’t pressure yourself to get back to 100% right away. As we navigate these next few weeks, look out for yourself and one another.




Upcoming Opportunities:

Interim Dean Vicky is happy to help you apply; send her an email at klimavw@appstate.edu

UNC System Presidential Scholars

Applications are now open for the UNC System’s Presidential Scholars. The program is a one-year, full-time position awarded to students who are graduating in December 2024 or May 2025. The position offers students exposure to a variety of aspects of the UNC System, including governance, data and analytics, communications, government relations, and more. Scholars will be paid and have an opportunity for housing. The deadline to apply is November 2. For more information and to apply, click here.

App State Disaster Relief Hub

The University’s Disaster Relief Resource Hub is open now and actively supporting students, faculty and staff with representatives from Counseling & Psychological Services, Case Management, Emergency Management, Financial Aid, Off-Campus Student Services, the Student Legal Clinic, and the App State Disaster Relief Recovery Fund. Students can visit the hub virtually or in-person at the Office of the Dean of Students, 234 Plemmons Student Union, Monday – Friday, 10:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Graduate School Application Deadlines

The Cratis D. William School of Graduate Studies is now accepting applications for its various graduate programs. Applications for Spring 2025 entry programs are due December 1. In addition, application fees will be waived from October 20 – November 1. To view available graduate programs, click here. For any questions, contact Graduate Admissions.

Global Leadership Awards

The Office of International Programs is accepting nominations for its Global Leadership Awards. The Global Leadership Awards recognize students, faculty, and staff who have made significant contributions to global learning at App State. The deadline to submit a nomination is October 21. For more information, click here.

Student Orientation Undergraduate Leader Application

Applications are now open for the 2025 Student Orientation Undergraduate Leader (SOUL) program. SOULs are responsible for ensuring all first year and incoming transfer students feel welcome during their transition to App State. They assist with course registration, campus navigation, sharing resources, and more. Those accepted will be paid for their time. The deadline to apply is October 20 at 5:00 p.m. To apply to be a SOUL, click here. For more information or questions, contact Sarah Garrow.


Stay in the Know:

CEL Day of Service

The Office of Community-Engaged Leadership will be holding a day of service on October 19 from 8:00 – 2:30 p.m. The day of service will focus on volunteering with relief efforts following the impacts of Hurricane Helene. For more information and to register, click here

App State Global Symposium

The Office of International Programs invites proposal applications for App State’s Global Symposium. The symposium is an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to share their work on a professional platform and contribute to global learning at the university. The symposium will take place on November 20 with a proposal deadline of October 21. For more information, to register, and to submit a proposal, click here.

Elections Unmasked: A Campus Dialogue Series

The Civic Literacy Initiative will be hosting three facilitated campus dialogue series around voting and the electoral process before and after Election Day. The next workshops will be held on October 28 and November 12. During the second workshop, titled “Navigating the Ballot: Overcoming Voting Fears and Anxiety,” conversations will be held about the voting process, addressing common fears and anxieties associated with voting, and promoting voter engagement and confidence. The session will be held from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. For more information, click here

UNCG Honors Symposium

The Lloyd International Honors College at the University of North Carolina – Greensboro will be hosting its 25th annual Undergraduate Honors Symposium on March 21, 2025. The symposium offers undergraduate honors students the chance to present their research-based work at an academic conference. Submissions can come from any discipline but must be generalizable to a broader audience. The deadline for submissions is December 16. To submit a work, click here. For any questions, contact Angela Bolte.

Disaster Relief Resources

The Appalachian State Disaster Relief webpage shares resources for App State students, faculty, and staff. The Town of Boone regularly updates community disaster relief resources and volunteer opportunities at their Hurricane Helene Resources and Services website.


In the Honors Spotlight

 Introducing Honors College academic mentor Dr. Santosh Nandi


Photo features Dr. Nandi. Photo submitted.

Dr. Santosh Nandi, assistant professor in the Department of Management, is the newest addition to the Honors College team of academic mentors. In May 2024, Dr. Nandi became the Honors College academic mentor for students majoring in the College of Business. Honors College mentors play a crucial role in the Honors College mission by supporting holistic development and fostering engagement beyond individual disciplines. As an Honors College academic mentor, Dr. Nandi’s goal is to guide students who may want to become future technologists and entrepreneurs toward their dreams. Dr. Nandi encourages his Honors College students to get involved with his research which is highly relevant for business majors and the interdisciplinary honors education. He looks forward to opportunities for collaborative research with Honors College students.  

To learn more about Dr. Nandi, click here to read the story by Teagan Jones and Vicky Klima. 


Have announcements to share? Submissions can be made to honors@appstate.edu. Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.

Have a story to share? Share what you have done, what you are doing, or what you will be doing by submitting a story here

To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!