Honors Wednesday Memo
Opportunities and Information for Honors Students
edited by Kelly Dancy
Volume 1, Issue 11
November 29, 2017
Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch
What a privilege and pleasure it is to watch Honors College students present and defend their Honors theses. Here's my dream: what if we made this part of what we all do as an Honors College community?
I encourage you to attend Honors thesis defenses whenever they fit into your schedule! Come to marvel at our students’ terrific work, to learn, and to support your fellow Honors students and their extraordinary—and all volunteer—faculty advisers. Honors thesis defenses are public events, and announced on our Honors website calendar.
Please attend:
Will White: Automating a Home Snowmaker using an AVR Microcontroller (TODAY: 11/29: 5 – 6 p.m. Garwood Hall Room 332)
Lyndsay Wilcox: Exploring Coping Skills of Hospitalized Children (Tuesday 12/5: 3 – 4 PM, PSU Rough Ridge)
Abby Barry: Evaluating the Needs of Female Student Service Members and Veterans in Higher Education (Thursday, 12/7, 11 – 12, Smith-Wright Hall, Room 204)
And please join me in congratulating:
Hailey Pister: What's In A Name?: Preschoolers Expect Human-like Moral Thinking from Named but Not Un-Named Bugs (11/15)
Caitlyn Murray: What balance of social programs and economic development initiatives are necessary for community well-being and resilience in the Appalachian region of North Carolina?: a literature review and comparative case study (11/15)
Ella Perrin: Effect of Ursolic Acid Consumption from Apple Wax on Cytokine Levels in the Blood and Handgrip Strength (11/17)
Becky Stewart: The Role of RNA-Binding Protein Pumilio in the Regulation of Nociceptive Sensation (11/20)
Grayson Bodenheimer: “You Can’t Teach ‘Em ‘til You Love ‘Em”: Emotional Labor, Bureaucracy, and Teacher Burnout in the American Education System (11/20)
Madie Armstrong: Challenging Normative Representations of Women's Sexual Agency in American Television (11/27)
Makayla Wylie: Anxiety, Risk Taking and Social Value (11/28)
Sarah Aldridge: The City That (Didn't) Make It Work: An Analysis of State-Sponsored Resegregation in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (11/28)
In thanks,
Upcoming Opportunities:
Dr. Vahlbusch will be delighted to assist with applications!
Spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Assistantship
The Office of Student Research is now accepting applications for the Spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) Program. The deadline to apply is Friday, December 8th, and award notifications will be made by mid-January. For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/spring-2018-undergraduate-research-assistantship-ura-information-osr.
Undergraduate Honors Symposium
Honors students are invited to participate in Lloyd International College’s 18th Annual Undergraduate Honors Symposium on Friday, March 2nd 2018 at UNC Greensboro. Submit a paper for consideration to the Symposium by December 20th at https://tinyurl.com/LIHCSymposium2018. For more information, visit
The Peace Corps
Peace Corps applications are due by January 1st for departure in Fall 2018. There are also currently seventy English teacher and teacher training positions available for volunteers with an interest in serving a community in Indonesia.
State of North Carolina Internship Program
The State of North Carolina Internship Program is offering paid summer internship opportunities in state government agencies. Applications for the Summer 2018 program are now being accepted through January 15th, 2018. A variety of full-time professional internship opportunities across the state are available. For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/state-north-carolina-internship-program.
COM 2124-101- Intercultural Experience: Mexico
Applications are now being accepted for Intercultural Experience: Mexico, a communications course that features a spring break experience in Mexico. The course is a great opportunity for those looking to fill international education requirements! For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/faculty-led-com-%E2%80%93-intercultural-experience-udlap-mexico-study-abroad-program.
Upcoming Events:
Balanced Brains Creative Show
Come join members of Dr. McDowell’s Balanced Brains honors seminar at 3rd Place in downtown Boone during the December 1st Art Crawl! Don’t miss the chance to see honors students showcase their creative work from this semester. There will be performances and food.
Black Minds Matter: A Focus on Black Boys and Men in Education
There are two sessions left in the multi-part online series, “Black Minds Matter: A Focus on Black Boys and Men in Education.” The series addresses the experiences and realities of black males in education, encourages discussion of issues facing black male students, and offers research-based strategies for improving their success. Sessions are free, open to the public, and will take place in room 124 B/C of the Reich College of Education on Monday, December 4th and December 11th from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/black-minds-matter-focus-black-boys-and-men-education.
Board of Trustees International Research Grant Info Session
Are you interested in receiving funding for international research travel? On Thursday, December 7th from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in classroom 222 of Anne Belk Hall, there will be a workshop to walk applicants through the Board of Trustees International Research Grant proposal guidelines, present tips for writing, and review the university travel guidelines necessary for research travel planning and budgeting. For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/board-trustees-bot-international-research-grant.
Climate Stories – Creative Reflections on Climate Change
The Climate Stories Collaborative invites campus and community to a showcase of creative works produced by students enrolled in classes across the College of Fine and Applied Arts. The event will feature visual and performance pieces in expressing climate stories. The event will take place on Thursday, December 7th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the HOW Space (182 Howard Street). For more information, visithttps://honors.appstate.edu/climate-stories-collaborative. Check out the event webpage at faa.appstate.edu/events/climate-stories-collaborative/student-showcase.
Driving Domestic Alternative Service Experience
Need plans for spring break? Save the date for the lottery on Monday, January 29th to sign up for a Driving Domestic ASE. For more information about the lottery and this year’s programs, visit https://ase.appstate.edu/pagesmith/10.
Honors Alumni Spotlight
Honors Alumna Ali Moxley (May '17) won second place in the international Food Solutions Challenge last April. Moxley won for her concept for turning corn chip oil into biodiesel fuel. The Food Solutions Challenge was held at the Global Food Solutions Conference. For more information, please visit http://www.news.appstate.edu/2017/05/08/corn-chips-to-biodiesel/.
Honors Student Spotlight
Honors senior and chemistry major Samantha Steyl spent a month this past summer working in a government-run hospital in Cambodia. Sam shadowed doctors and nurses as they administered shots and medications, gave their daily rounds, and performed small surgeries. To learn more about Sam’s experience in her own words, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/news/sam-steyl-shadows-cambodian-hospital.
Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: https://www.facebook.com/Appalachian-Honors-482157301971520/.
Submissions to honors@appstate.edu should be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays for the following week’s issue.