Honors Wednesday Memo
Opportunities and Information for Honors Students
edited by Kelly Dancy
Volume 1, Issue 12
December 6, 2017
Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch
Congratulations, Honors! We’ve made it to this semester’s last day of class. My first semester at Appalachian has been a wondrous whirlwind—and the best part has been getting to know many of you.
To celebrate, and to prep us for the final push through exams, the Appalachian Honors Association (AHA!) and the Honors College staff invite you for PIZZA and the traditional Honors College Stress-SCREAM in the Bailey (aka Honors College courtyard).
Stop by the Honors Library (top floor, Appalachian Hall) starting at 11:30 a.m. on Reading Day (Thursday, December 7th). We'll have 25 pizzas, sodas and water, and the certainty of great conversations.
And the Scream? It will happen at NOON.
Thank you for choosing Honors!
Upcoming Opportunities:
Dr. Vahlbusch will be delighted to assist with applications!
Baltimore Health Immersion: Pre-Health Program
Applications to the Baltimore Health Immersion five-week summer program on psychological and social foundations of health are due by February 25th. The program offers integrated course work, a service-learning internship, and networking opportunities. For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/baltimore-health-immersion-pre-health-program.
Tech4Teach Fair
The 2018 Tech4Teach Fair will be held on Friday, February 16th from 12:15 to 6:00 p.m. The T4T Fair offers a platform to encourage more faculty and students to do, share, and learn about a wide range of topics related to teaching and technology. You are encouraged to submit an E-Poster proposal to share your efforts to enhance student engagement and learning. The deadline for submission is December 18th. For more information, please visit https://honors.appstate.edu/2018-tech4teach-fair.
INTERSECT Social Justice Retreat
The 2018 INTERSECT Social Justice Retreat will take place from January 26th-28th. Participant applications close on Wednesday, December 20th at midnight. The retreat will take place at the Blowing Rock Conference Center, and there is a $10 fee. For more information, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/2018-tech4teach-fair.
W.H. Plemmons Leadership Medallion
Nominations for the W.H. Plemmons Leadership Medallion are currently being accepted through February 9th, 2018. The award was created to recognize the time, energy, skills, and commitment of students, faculty, student development educators and staff who exceed their peers in providing leadership that enriches the quality of student life and advances the education of students. For more information, visithttps://honors.appstate.edu/w-h-plemmons-leadership-medallion-0.
The Peace Corps
Peace Corps applications are due by January 1st for departure in Fall 2018. There is also currently a high need for Maternal and Child Health and HIV/AIDS Educators in Zambia.
Upcoming Events:
Walker College of Business Honors Program Thesis Defense Presentations
Honors College students will be presenting their theses on Thursday, December 7th in Peacock Hall 4018 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This event is open to the public, and light refreshments will be served. The presentations are as follows:
Paige Schurter: The Effects of Priming on Accountant Decision Making, 9:25-9:50
Emily Young: Preventing Fraud in Churches: An Analysis of Segregation of Duties Implementation, 9:50-10:15
Sean Flaherty: Bookkeeping in the Cloud: Advancements in Accounting Software, 11:05-11:30
AHA! Scream
The annual Appalachian Honors Association stress scream will take place at 12:00 p.m. in the Honors courtyard. Come scream your stress away, and enjoy a free slice of pizza while you’re here.
Climate Stories – Creative Reflections on Climate Change
The Climate Stories Collaborative invites campus and community to a showcase of creative works produced by students enrolled in classes across the College of Fine and Applied Arts. The event will feature visual and performance pieces in expressing climate stories. The event will take place on Thursday, December 7th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the HOW Space (182 Howard Street). For more information, visithttps://honors.appstate.edu/climate-stories-collaborative. Check out the event webpage at faa.appstate.edu/events/climate-stories-collaborative/student-showcase.
WE COACH is Here to Help
Members of WE COACH are here to help and support you with time management, stress management, friendship tensions, feeling blue, eating better, and more. For more information and to schedule an appointment, visit https://honors.appstate.edu/we-coach-here-help.
Driving Domestic Alternative Service Experience
Need plans for spring break? Save the date for the lottery on Monday, January 29th to sign up for a Driving Domestic ASE. For more information about the lottery and this year’s programs, visit https://ase.appstate.edu/pagesmith/10.
Honors Alumni Spotlight
Honors Student Spotlight
Big congratulations are due to Honors senior and political science major Paige Anderholm, who received Appalachian State University’s 2017 Global Leadership Undergraduate Student Award during International Education Week. To learn more about this exciting achievement, please visit https://honors.appstate.edu/news/paige-anderholm-wins-2017-global-leadership-undergraduate-student-award.
Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: https://www.facebook.com/Appalachian-Honors-482157301971520/.
Submissions to honors@appstate.edu should be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays for the following week’s issue.