Honors Wednesday Memo
Opportunities and Information for Honors Students
edited by Brad Rentz
Volume 1, Issue 23
March 28, 2018
Message from Dr. Heather Waldroup, Associate Director
Dear Honors College students,
I like to think of trails as vectors of history: as pathways where humans (and animals) inscribe their mark upon the landscape, whether for travel, trade, exploration, or just recreation. Sometimes when we’re on the trail we encounter faint side paths that depart from the main, marked trail. These could be routes to an overlook, to a water source, or to a top of a nearby peak. I’ve always called these ‘social trails’ or ‘goat trails’ – unmaintained tracks, but nevertheless used to access some of the additional things we’d like to see or experience along the way. Recently I’ve been introduced to a new term for this phenomenon: ‘desire paths.’ One example of a desire might be the diagonal path that has been produced across the Honors Courtyard, where folks moving from one place to another have chosen to take an alternate path from the one required by the extant concrete walkways. If we think of our honors experience as a journey (which I invite you to do), desire paths might be those additional experiences we accumulate as we move through the program: personal, social, intellectual. Although we want to avoid getting lost and causing erosion (please don’t cut switchbacks!), desire paths can take us places we hadn’t previously expected.
Heather Waldroup
Upcoming Opportunities:
Dr. Vahlbusch will be delighted to assist with applications!
Health Professions School Fair
If you are Interested in working in the healthcare industry or are planning on pursuing graduate or professional school, Come to the Health Professional School Fair! It will be held on Thursday, March 29, from 6 – 8 pm in the Parkway Ballroom in the Student Union. For more information, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/health-professional-school-fair.
AppKIDS Superhero 5k
Appalachian Kindness in Donations & Service is hosting their first Superhero 5K and need volunteers and race participants. The race will take place on campus on Saturday, April 7th and begins at 8 am. For more information and to learn how to register, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/appkids-superhero-5k.
Global Peacebuilding Competition
If you have an idea that you believe can make the world a better place, then you should enter the Global Peacebuilding Competition. You have the chance to be awarded between $500 and $2,000 to carry out your very own “peace” plan. The deadline to apply is April 9! To learn how to apply, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/global-peacebuilding-competition.
Job Opening
The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership has two opportunities for student employment as Involvement Assistants in Club Hub and/or the McCaskey Center. The application deadline for the positions is April 6. For more information, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/mccaskey-center-club-hub-involvement-assistant-application-open.
STEAM Expo Opportunities
On April 24 from 9am-2pm in the Convocation Center, roughly 3,000 students from middle and high schools will come to Appalachian. If you would like to volunteer to host an event, show, booth, or a tour please sign up now! Please visit:https://honors.appstate.edu/host-booth-tour-or-event-appstate-steam-expo for more information!
Upcoming Thesis Defenses:
Jeff says: "Support your fellow Honors College students and faculty by attending Honors thesis defenses! You'll marvel, learn, and grow. And each defense you attend, you'll make your own easier."
April 6 – Alice Albl a Nutrition and Foods major with a dietetics concentration will present A Review of Creatine and its Role in Muscle Strength and Balance at 12 pm in Appalachian Hall room 186.
April 11 – Jaelyn Felder an Electronic media and Broadcast Communications major will present The Exploration of the Black Woman's Truth: Linking Slavery, Stereotypes, and Media at 12 pm in Appalachian Hall room 163.
Stay in the Know…
AHA meets Next Week (4/4) in the Honors College Library at 5:15!
AHA! Spring Formal
The first Honors College Formal is set for April 7 at 8 pm in the Blue Ridge Ballroom of the Student Union. Please RSVP on your Orgsync account as soon as possible! To learn more information, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/aha-spring-formal.
Climate Justice Month
Climate Stories Collaborative is sponsoring several events in April to raise awareness about changing climate conditions and its effects around the world. The events include films and scholarly lectures. To learn more about times and locations, please visit:https://honors.appstate.edu/april-climate-justice-month.
Campus-wide Food Drive
The campus food drive has already begun and will continue until April 13. Donation boxes are in boxes all over campus! For a complete list of acceptable foods, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/campus-wide-food-drive-starts-today.
Sex Positive Week
The purpose of Sex Positive Week is to raise awareness about positive sexual experiences and to promote healthy relationships at Appalachian State. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss safer sex practices and relationship interactions along with on and off-campus resources. For a full list of events, please visit https://honors.appstate.edu/sex-positive-week-spring-2018
German Post-War Film
ASU's Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies is inviting the public to a screening of the critically-acclaimed early German postwar film The Murderers Are Among Us. The screening will take place on Wednesday, April 4, in 201B Table Rock of theStudent Union The film will start at 7:30 pm. It will be introduced by Center director Prof. Thomas Pegelow Kaplan and followed by a discussion with the audience. The event is free of charge and no tickets are required. Please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/murderers-are-among-us-screening for more information.
In the Honors Spotlight
Alumnus Grayson Bodenheimer headed to Indiana University at Bloomington for Graduate School
Grayson Bodenheimer has been accepted to Indiana University Bloomington’s graduate program in the Department of Sociology and has received a full five-year funding package as well! Grayson will work as a Graduate Assistant for one-to-two years, and then he will have Student Academic Appointment for his three years. He also has the opportunity to apply for separate research fellowships.
To learn more about Grayson, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/news/alumnus-grayson-bodenhiemer-fully-funded-indiana.
Tolerance Kids Advocate for Holocaust Victims
5th graders Melissa Gutierrez, and her classmates, Tolerance Kids from Ms. Liss’ class at Woodlake Elementary, in Sacramento, California, call the Honors College community to support Bandage Project. We have created a donation box for Project Bandage if you would like to contribute. You can find that in it in the main office of the Honors College.
To learn more about this about this cause, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/news/tolerance-kids-advocate-holocaust-victims-bandage-project.
Appalachian State Honors College on Social Media!
We’re now on Snapchat!!! Add us with this Snapcode or by searching "apphonors."
Check us out on Instagram also! Find us by searching “Appalachian Honors College”
Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: https://www.facebook.com/Appalachian-Honors-482157301971520/.
Submissions to honors@appstate.edu should be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays for the following week’s issue.