September 11, 2019

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Brad Rentz

Volume 3, Issue 4

September 11, 2019

 Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch 

My point ONE today is for Honors College students; point TWO is for all Honors students and faculty campus-wide.  Please read! 

ONE:  Honors Research Funding! 

Dear Honors College students, 

How about some funding for your research? 

Thanks to the admirably transparent, well-organized campus budget process created by Chancellor Everts and Provost Kruger, the Honors College was able to apply for and receive new funds to support Honors College student research, scholarship, and creative activity, including travel.

We now have $24,000 annually that we can use for these purposes, and we welcome your applications! Find more information and the application form here: And please turn to me with questions!

TWO:  Student Opportunity Center Update! 

Dear Honors students and faculty across campus,

Each of you should recently have received an exciting email invitation to sign up for membership in the Student Opportunity Center, the largest database for high-impact opportunities for Honors and other students across the U.S.  Signing up is easy; please make sure you do.  You will then be able to schedule regular deliveries of great opportunities to your inbox.  And I am always ready to help you apply.

*Many students reported that the SOC invitation landed in their junk mail. Please check there if you haven't received an invitation.*

Wishing you a happy week!



 Jeff facilitates discussion of a James Joyce short story in Professor Mary Valante's HON seminar for the Chancellor's Scholars, on Ireland.


Upcoming Opportunities: 

Clinton Global Initiative University

The Clinton Global Initiative University at App State provides funding to support five vital focus areas of Education, Environment & Climate Change, Peace & Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health.  CGIU is a network of young leaders who are developing innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Students are invited to submit funding proposals and attend the information session at 1 p.m. on September 19 in the Snake Mountain room of the Student Union.  For more information, visit our website.  

Save a Life in 8 Minutes

The 13th Annual Homecoming Blood Drive will be held at the Holmes Convocation Center on Tuesday, September 24 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.  All students are invited to attend and register online via the sponsor code “AppState.” For more information, click here.

Call for 2019 Global Symposium Proposals

The Appalachian Global Symposium is accepting proposals for the seventh annual meeting of the symposium on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.  The deadline to submit your proposal is October 7, 2019.  For more information and how to submit, visit our website.

The Counseling Center is Here to Help

The Counseling and Psychological Services Center provides group and individual counseling services and referral services to help support the mental health of Appalachian State students. They also offer consultation to faculty and staff, as well as outreach/prevention programming to the campus community.  If you, or a fellow student, needs to the assistance that the Counseling Center can provide, click here. 

Academic Strategy Workshops from the Student Learning Center

The Student Learning Center is pleased to introduce our new menu of academic strategy workshops available for your class, residence hall, or campus organization, addressing a variety of topics related to student success.  There are several workshops available for you utilize, visit our website to register for one today!

AHA Upcoming:

Peer Mentoring: Be on the lookout for emails from your Mentors!

Stay in the Know…

Anthropology Brown Bag Series: Jon Carter

The Anthropology Department’s Brown Bag Series is back this fall semester with several guest speakers throughout the semester.  All guest speakers will be in Belk Hall 342 at 12 p.m.  Next week, on September 18, Jon Carter will visit to present Sonic Agitation: Punk, Filth, Disruption.  For more information about the Brown Bag Series, click here.

Make Music – Community Music School

Music lessons are available for all ages and every skill level! The Community School offers private lessons, group classes, ensembles, workshops, and masterclasses. Registration is now open, for more information, visit our website.

DLLC International Speaker Series 

Nihad Dukhan will be coming to Appalachian’s Campus on Tuesday, September 24 in Belk Library room 114 to give a presentation on “Art Starts with a Line: Foundations of Arabic/Islamic Calligraphy.” For more information on this presentation, or on the speaker series, click here.

Balanced Brains Creative Show

The Balanced Brains Creative show will be held at 3rd Place in downtown Boone (next to Insomnia Cookies) during the December Art Crawl event. You can view the art from the class on December 6from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, visit our website.

Visiting Author: Scott Reintgen

Sponsored by the University Bookstore and Cold Mountain Review, Scott Reintgen will be visiting Appalachian on October 25 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Parkway Ballroom of the Student Union. For more information, click here.


In the Honors Spotlight 

Congratulations to the 2019 Chancellor’s Scholars


Photo above features this year’s group of Chancellor’s Scholars.

Ten incoming first-year Honors students have been awarded Chancellor's Scholarships, the university's oldest and most distinguished full scholarship. It is also the most academically competitive merit-based scholarship, designed for students with ambitious academic goals, involving graduate or professional post-baccalaureate degrees, such as Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc. The Chancellor's Scholars are exceptional scholars selected from the strongest applicants admitted to the Honors College. 

To read the university's announcement and learn more about these impressive new scholars, click here. 


Honors Senior Nathaniel Scott Awarded NC Space Grant


Nathaniel Scott, an Appalachian junior majoring in physics, received a North Carolina Space Grant Scholarship to continue his research in automation. Photo by Marie Freeman

Honors senior major Nathaniel Scott has been awarded his second $7,000 North Carolina Space Grant Scholarship. He is a physics major with a minor in mathematics; for his Honors thesis research, he is working with Dr. Jennifer Burris, chair of and professor in Appalachian’s Department of Physics and Astronomy. Scott has been engaged in research since he began at Appalachian, the summer following his senior year in high school.

Click here to read the full storyApp State student sets his research sights out of this world through NC Space by Jan Todd in AppalachianToday.


To Stay in the Know and Learn About All Opportunities in Honors, please visit


Appalachian State Honors College on Social Media!

Check us out on Instagram also! Find us by searching “Appalachian Honors College” 


Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors:  


Have news to share? Submissions to the Honors Wednesday Memo can be made by emailing Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.