February 9, 2022

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Lakin Stevens

Volume 5, Issue 20

February 9, 2022

Dear Honors College students!

Great news:  it's almost time for Honors College advising and mentoring for summer and fall 2022 preregistration. Please look for an email invitation from your Honors College academic mentor soon. Here's information:

If you still need to declare your major, please do so ASAP and before the deadline of February 28 at 5 pm.

If you have changed your major, please complete the Honors College Mentor/Major Change Form.

Important dates and links:

  • March 7:  Course schedule for fall 2022 posted to the Registrar's Office website
  • March 7:  Schedule of HON seminars and course descriptions posted to the Honors College website
  • April 1:  Registration opens for seniors
  • April 4:  Registration opens for other Honors College students (class status is based on completed—not 'in-progress'—hours) for fall:
    • Juniors (60-89 hours) at 8 am
    • Sophomores (30-59 hours) at 11 am
    • First years (0-29 hours) at 2 pm

And just so you know and can get excited with me: I am personally and professionally thrilled by the HON courses and cross-listed Honors courses that we will be offering this coming fall. We can't wait to release the schedule and descriptions!




 Meet Kennedy Williams, an office assistant in the Honors College. Kennedy is an exercise science major with a minor in chemistry. Following graduation, she plans to take a gap year to serve as a mentor to young adolescents in the community as well as working as a medical assistant to prepare for medical school. 

Kennedy has worked for the Honors College for three years and described her experiences, “It’s been a great pleasure working with the Honors faculty and staff and I look forward to remaining here until I graduate in December 2022. What I enjoy the most about the Honors program is that each of the faculty and staff members bring something different to the Honors atmosphere. They are always willing to share knowledge.”


Upcoming Opportunities:

Dean Jeff is happy to help you apply; send him an email at vahlbuschjb@appstate.edu.

NC SECU Foundation Public Fellows Scholarship

The Public Service Fellows Internship Program aims to connect undergraduates with organizations located in rural counties of North Carolina. Students will gain meaningful on-the-job experience and learn about career opportunities in public service. Students completing unpaid internships in public service organizations for academic credit in Spring 2022 or Summer 2022 are eligible to apply. The program awards 20 $5,000 scholarships for tuition, fees, and other internship expenses. Students must major in the departments of social work, government and justice studies or public health. Learn more and apply here by Feb. 11.

2022 Appol Corps Leader Applications Open

Appol Corps is a leadership opportunity open to all students. Responsibilities include leading incoming students through Welcome to App activities, assisting during orientations, and collaborating with other students and leaders. This position is paid at $10 per hour. Explore more and apply here by Feb. 18.

Apply to Join the Red Flag Campaign

Applications are open for new members to join the Red Flag Campaign on campus. The campaign is a group of peer educators who focus on teaching others to be active bystanders and work to prevent and end intimate partner violence (IPV) in our community. There are three main trainings presented to the group: introduction to IPV, active bystander training, and combating rape culture. Applications are open here on a rolling basis until Mar. 1. Contact the group supervisor Kyra Patel here with any questions.

Submissions Open for Sanctuary Literary Arts Journal

The Sanctuary Literary Arts Journal of the Southern Regional Honors Council is a student led literary and arts journal. Submissions are collected, reviewed, and then published by Honors Program students. Submit your work by Mar. 5. Learn more about the journal here.

Submissions Open for Aisthesis Undergraduate Honors Journal

The University of Minnesota Duluth’s Honors Program is seeking academic and creative submission for their 2022 issue of Aisthesis, their undergraduate honors journal. The journal is an interdisciplinary publication welcoming academic work including honors capstone projects, literature reviews and research articles, from all fields of research. Creative submissions of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and visual art are also encouraged. Explore more and submit here by Mar. 7. Email here with any questions.


Stay in the Know:

Social Work Care Collaborative Groups

The Social Work Care Collaborative will be continuing “No Invitation Needed” with drop in options available Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. They are also accepting referrals for counseling students in distance programs unable to access services at the counseling center. The support group for non-traditional students called “Balancing Act” aims to support students balancing return to school, families, jobs, or more and meets virtually on Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. New students can find support in “Bold Beginnings” designed to assist students with homesickness, struggles to fit in, meeting other students, coping with college life and more. This group meets virtually on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. “Moving Through Mourning” meets virtually on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. to support students moving through grief and loss at various stages. The “NeighbRAhood” meets in person and via zoom on Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. to support the resident assistant community. Contact the Social Work Care Collaborative by email here or phone at 828-262-4028. Learn more about their groups here and the collaborative here.

Global Encore: Promoting Your Study Abroad Experience

The Career Development Center is hosting a session titled “Global Encore: Promoting Your Study Abroad Experience in Resume, Cover Letter and Interview.” Have you been abroad and are looking for ways to talk about your experience as you apply for jobs or graduate school? This session will help you learn how to speak about your abroad experiences and the transferable skills gained. Join on Feb. 10 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Learn more here.

Outdoor Jobs Fair

The Career Development Center will be hosting the outdoor jobs fair on Feb. 16 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in Grandfather Mountain Ballroom of the Plemmons Student Union. All majors are encouraged to attend to meet top camps, conference centers, and resorts from across the United States. Explore more here.

“Complaint as a Queer Method” with Dr. Sara Ahmed

Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies presents “Complaint as a Queer Method” with guest speaker Dr. Sara Ahmed. Dr. Sara Ahmed is an independent scholar who has written ten single-authored books, three co-edited volumes, numerous articles and varied contributions towards feminist and queer intellectual and activist lives. Register here to attend on Feb. 24 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Questions can be directed to Dr. Sushmita Chatterjee here.

University Forum Speaker Series: LaTosha Brown

The University Forum Speaker Series will host LaTosha Brown, cofounder of Black Voters Matter Fund, jazz singer, and fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, to speak on civic engagement and voting rights. The free public lecture will be held on Feb. 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Schaefer Center for Performing Arts.


In the Honors Spotlight

Honors senior Angie Manges studied global development in Uganda

Top photo shows Annie Manges with her study abroad group visiting the Murchison Falls National Park, where she did safari. She discovered, “I LOVE giraffes, and they’re actually really wrinkly when you get up close!” Photo submitted. 

Honors senior and Wilson’s Scholar Annie Manges spent September 4 through December 17, 2021 in the bustling capital of Kampala, Uganda, participating in the School for International Training (SIT) Uganda: Global Development Studies program. Manges majors in global studies with a concentration in international economic studies and minors in sustainable development and French. Manges began a research project in Uganda that she now continues to develop as her Honors thesis. She is working with Dr. Brian Burke, assistant professor in the Goodnight Family Department of Sustainable Development at App State, as her thesis director, and Dr. Charlotte Mafumbo, academic director of the SIT Uganda: Global Development Studies program, as her second reader.  

Read more about Manges’ semester abroad and research here


Have announcements to share? Submissions can be made to honors@appstate.edu. Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.


Have a story to share? Share what you have done, what you are doing, or what you will be doing by submitting a story here


To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!