edited by Kistler Hunt
Volume 8, Issue 6
September 25, 2024
A note from Honors Wednesday Memo Editor, Kistler Hunt:
Dear Honors family,
This week’s memo features a variety of opportunities to engage outside of the classroom, including the Office of International Programs’ Education Abroad Fair. In the spirit of study abroad, we also feature Ella Cooper’s semester abroad in Granada, Spain. Ella shares how her time abroad was impactful, challenging her perspectives and broadening her worldview. Like Ella, I experienced similar growth when I studied abroad in South Africa this past summer. The experiences I had, both inside and outside the classroom, incredibly influenced how I see the world now that I’m back in the United States. I encourage you to take advantage of opportunities like this; you never know what will come from them!
All the best,
Upcoming Opportunities:
Interim Dean Vicky is happy to help you apply; send her an email at klimavw@appstate.edu
Climate Solutions: Building Literacy for Effective Action
The Office of Community-Engaged Leadership will host a variety of events leading up to Election Day. They will host an event, titled “Climate Solutions: Building Literacy for Effective Action,” on October 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. The event will feature a dinner and dialogue surrounding the urgency for climate action and solutions. Registration is required. For more information and to register, click here.
Student Orientation Undergraduate Leader Application
Applications are now open for the 2025 Student Orientation Undergraduate Leader (SOUL) program. SOULs are responsible for ensuring all first year and incoming transfer students feel welcome during their transition to App State. They assist with course registration, campus navigation, sharing resources, and more. Those accepted will be paid for their time. The deadline to apply is September 30 by midnight. To apply to be a SOUL, click here. For more information or questions, contact Sarah Garrow or Abby Silvers.
Education Abroad Fair
The Office of International Programs will be hosting an Education Abroad Fair on October 9 from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. The fair will feature representatives and students from a variety of programs where students can study abroad. For more information, click here.
Lab iMPACTLY Nonprofit Workshop
App State’s Lab iMPACTLY, a lab associated with the Department of Government and Justice Studies, is hosting a nonprofit workshop on October 10 from 9:00 – 3:30 p.m. The workshop will identify the needs of local nonprofits and create possible solutions. Registration is required. For more information and to register, click here.
App Builds a Home Blitz Build
App Builds a Home will be holding a blitz build from October 17 – 25 to celebrate homecoming. During that week, the exterior of a home will be built for a family in need. No construction experience is necessary. For more information and to sign up for a time to help build, click here.
Stay in the Know:
Elections Unmasked: A Campus Dialogue Series
The Civic Literacy Initiative will be hosting three facilitated campus dialogue series around voting and the electoral process before and after Election Day. These workshops will be held on September 25, October 21, and November 12. During the first workshop, titled “Your Voice, Your Vote: The Power and Importance of Voting,” conversations will be held surrounding the importance of voter participation, voter registration, civic responsibility, and the impact of young voters. The session will be held from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. For more information, click here.
Hayes School of Music Jazz Guest Artist
The Hayes School of Music will host jazz artist Chuck Owen and his musical group, ReSurgence. ReSurgence is a world-renowned and Grammy-nominated jazz group whose music is rooted in jazz tradition and also incorporates other genres like blues, American folk, and much more. The group will perform in the Schaefer Center on September 27 from 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. For more information, click here.
Boone Fall Fest
The Watauga Arts Council and Town of Boone will be hosting the Boone Fall Fest on October 4 and 5. Buskers Fest, on October 4 from 4:00 – 9:00 p.m., will celebrate local and visiting creatives. Boonetober Fest, on October 5 from 12:00 – 9:00 p.m., will feature a variety of artists and performers, with an additional opportunity to engage with local businesses in Boone. For more information, click here or contact Watauga Arts Council.
Ailey II: The Next Generation of Dance
The Schaefer Center will host modern dance group Ailey II on October 4 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. The group, originally founded by modern dance pioneer Alvin Ailey, is one of the most popular modern dance companies, combining their rigorous training schedule with extensive community outreach. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.
WeCARE World Mental Health Day Programming
WeCARE, a student-based peer education program through Wellness and Prevention Services, will be hosting a variety of activities to celebrate World Mental Health Day on October 10. WeCARE will be tabling throughout the day to spread awareness of mental health services. Additionally, guest speaker Rosi Greenburg will conduct a workshop related to her book “Everyone Has A Sam,” which focuses on imposter syndrome and inner critics. For more information, contact Brianna Pressey.
In the Honors Spotlight
Honors College student Ella Cooper spends Spring 2024 semester in Granada, Spain
Photo features Cooper feeding birds on her Spring 2024 study abroad in Granada, Spain. Photo submitted.
Honors College student Ella Cooper studied abroad at the University of Granada – Centro de Los Lenguas in Moderna, Spain, from January to July, 2024. Cooper majors in international business with a minor in Spanish. Cooper shared that her study abroad experience has connected her further to her Honors education. She stated that, “I don’t think I fully appreciated the Honors College before I got to Spain… Now that I’ve studied in another country, in another educational environment, where all classes are small and conversation based with more weight on personal research and projects than exams, I can see how beneficial the Honors program has truly been for my education. I also feel that the extra knowledge I’ve gained through the Honors College and seminars (the info I would not have learned within my degree) enables me to have intelligent and invigorating conversations with people from all around the world.” She further explained that “the Honors College is well equipped to help students find opportunities… there are so many out there, and you never know until you try.”
To learn more about Cooper’s experiences, click here to read more in the story by Teagan Jones.
Have announcements to share? Submissions can be made to honors@appstate.edu. Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.
Have a story to share? Share what you have done, what you are doing, or what you will be doing by submitting a story here.
To stay in the know, learn about opportunities, and take part in the Honors community, find us below!