Community College Honors

Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement (MoU/MoA)

The Honors College has an ongoing commitment to develop relationships with community colleges that offer honors courses to their students, and to promote transfer opportunities for those students coming to Appalachian State University.  An MoU makes it possible for students at a community college to transfer to ASU and continue their honors education in order to graduate with University Honors. 

Robeson Community College: MoU Signed November 23, 2015 (PDF, 1.1MB)

South Piedmont Community College: MoU Signed May 21, 2015 (PDF, 251.KB)

Louisburg College: MoA Signed February 10, 2014 (PDF, 1.4MB)

Wake Technical Community College: MoA Signed October 2, 2013 (PDF, 4.2MB)

Durham Technical Community College: MoA Signed July 10, 2013 (PDF, 4.3MB)

Haywood Community College: MoA Signed May 1, 2013 (PDF, 1.3MB)

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College: MoU Signed April 18, 2013 (PDF, 1.5MB)

Southwestern Community College: MoU Signed April 8, 2011 (PDF, 3.5MB)

General Information

Executive Summary Honors Programs at Community Colleges (DOC, 54KB)
Provides a brief overview of the literature below, including best practices and program contacts.

Annotated Bibliography (DOC, 31KB)
Provides  source information and summary for articles on community college honors programs.

News Articles

Journal Articles

National Collegiate Honors Council Resources

Holloway-Chapter 3-The Honors College in a Two-Year (PDF, 132KB)

James-Handbook for Honors Programs at Two Year Colleges

Schuman-Beginning in Honors (available by contacting the Honors College at