Honors Wednesday Memo
Opportunities and Information for Honors Students
edited by Brad Rentz
Volume 1, Issue 14
January 17, 2018
Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch
Welcome back, Honors! Please join me and our Honors College staff members in looking forward to a terrific spring semester at Appalachian. And I invite you to work together to make it even better than terrific.
Here are 5 first things to do:
1. Stop in to meet Brad Rentz, the new editor of the Honors Wednesday Memo and a new member of the Honors College student staff. Brad is a sophomore Public Administration major and a proud Honors College student. You can find Brad every Friday from 10-5 and various other times during the week in Appalachian Hall 285. See Honors Student Spotlight below.
2. Please read the Honors Wednesday Memo every week, looking for Honors news and opportunities for yourself and for your friends! That’s what the HWM is for.
3. Come to “Cookies with Jeff”: watch for regular drop-by sessions in Appalachian Hall, Cone, and Summit to plot, plan, and dream Honors with me and fellow Honors College students, fueled by sugar, flour, shortening.
4. Sign up for “Meals with Honors”: watch for a new Honors College discussion series featuring interesting speakers and discussion leaders; a simple breakfast, lunch, or dinner; and the precious chance to gather and confer with fellow Honors students.
As I wrote in this space at the end of December: I am full of hope for our future. Together we will build an Honors College that can measure itself against the best in the country.
A Message from Connor Hughes, Honors College SGA Senator
Hello, and Happy New Year! I am Connor Hughes, and I am one of your Honors College representatives in SGA. This past semester was the most productive in recent history in terms of legislation passed in SGA. So far, we have passed bills that add signage requirements for Food Services, updated and modernized the language in SGA bylaws, allow transfer credits to count for GPA at Appalachian upon graduation, and extended an open invitation to administration to increase dialogue, along with other procedural bills. I personally was involved by either drafting or helping others write numerous bills, such as the Cup and Condiment Act, the Transfer GPA Act, The Administration Invitation Act, and The Association of Student Governments Alternate Delegate Act. In the upcoming semester, I look forward to introducing bills ranging from free speech policy to the ACT/SAT admission requirement. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to me (hughescl1@appstate.edu) with any concerns or suggestions. I am here to represent YOU! I wish you the best of luck for the upcoming semester!
Upcoming Opportunities:
Dr. Vahlbusch will be delighted to assist with applications!
George Williams Garrett Memorial Scholarship
The Honors College invites applications for the George Williams Garrett Memorial Scholarship, an award of $1000 to fund costs associated with research, including travel to collect data or present results. The application deadline is noon, February 2, 2018. For more information, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/node/1463
Biological Investigations in Vietnam
Here’s a faculty-led study abroad opportunity in Vietnam to consider for Summer 2018. The adventure begins on May 15 and students return home June 4. For more information contact Dr. Michael Osbourn,osbournms@appstat.edu or visit https://honors.appstate.edu/faculty-led-study-abroad-biological-investigations-vietnam
Asheville Art Museum Internship
The Asheville Art Museum is excited to offer the following paid and volunteer internship opportunities for the summer 2018 semester: Construction Management, Curatorial Internship for Museum Diversity, Development, Education, Legal, Museum Store & Visitor Services. For more information, please visit www.ashevilleart.org/education/get-involved/internship-program
Community Agency Tour: Parent-Child Interests
Are you interested in taking a firsthand look at local community service agencies that address the needs and concerns of children and parenting? Join the Office of Academic Civic Engagement to learn best practices on how faculty and service-learning students can connect with community partners.
Please visit https://workshops.appstate.edu/detail.aspx?key=1748 to learn more and to register!
Upcoming Events:
Black Mountain College Spring 2018 Exhibition and Events
There are several events and exhibitions during the spring semester that students should consider attending.
Nov 24-April 7 - "Arts at the Center: A History of Black Mountain College" (BRAHM)
Jan 12-June 2 - "Creative Democracy: The Legacy of Black Mountain" (TCVA), including link to digital time-line
April 14-Dec 31 - "Black Mountain College & Black Mountain: An Uneasy Relationship" (SVM)
January 18 - MC Richards: The Fire Within - Movie (BRAHM), 7 p.m.
January 24 - Cathryn Zommer - Speaker (Belk Library), 7 p.m.
For an extended list of events and detailed information please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/black-mountain-college-spring-2018-exhibitions-events
April – Climate Justice Month Upcoming Events
April 4—Climate Refugee, Film Screening
April 9—Chantal Bilodeau, Playwright
April 11—Native American Climate Refugees Seminar by Chief Albert Naquin and Film Screening of We Are All Related Here
April 25— Seminar with Environmental Anthropologist Heather Lazrus and Professor of Anthropology Anthony Oliver-Smith
For more information about Climate Justice Month events, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/climate-justice-month—april-2018
Wilmington on Fire Documentary
This documentary chronicles the Wilmington Massacre of 1898, a violent, bloody attack on African-Americans in the majority-black, self-sufficient port city by a heavily armed white mob on Nov. 10, 1898. This screening is free and open to the public on February 28th at 6:30 p.m. in I.G. Greer Theater.
For more information contact Beth Davison (davisonb@appstate.edu)
Drinking Straws Documentary
Did you know that half a billion non-recyclable plastic straws get used every day in the U.S., ending up in landfills and on streets and beaches? In this documentary, Academy Award-winning actor Tim Robbins narrates as turtle researchers, community activists and business owners discuss a sea of change happening, one straw at a time. This film is free and open to the public on March 13th at 7:00 p.m. in I. G. Greer Theatre.
Honors Alumni Spotlight
Congratulations to our newest Honors College Alumni! The Honors College Commencement was held on December 15, 2017. The following twelve extraordinary students were recognized: Sarah Aldridge, Madison Armstrong, Abigail Barry, Stevie Bryson, Alaina Doyle, Sarah Kate Murphy, Hailey Pister, Zach Saint, Sarah Snouse, Becky Stewart, Will White, and Makayla Wylie. To learn more about these distinguished alumns, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/news/congratulations-our-newest-honors-college-alumni
Honors Student Spotlight
Welcome to Brad Rentz, our new Editor of the Honors Wednesday Memo (HWM)! Brad is a Sophomore Honors student majoring in Public Administration and pursuing a certificate in Geographic Information Systems. Brad came to Appalachian in August 2016 from Summerfield, North Carolina. He stands out for his polite demeanor, intellectual curiosity, engaging personality, and work ethic. Be sure to stop by the Honors College, and get to know Brad. He would love to share your story in an upcoming HWM!
For more information about Brad, please visit: https://honors.appstate.edu/news/brad-rentz-new-editor-honors-wednesday-memo
Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: https://www.facebook.com/Appalachian-Honors-482157301971520/.
Submissions to honors@appstate.edu should be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays for the following week’s issue.