Sam Steyl Shadows in a Cambodian Hospital
Nov 29, 2017
Honors senior Samantha Steyl, chemistry major and Pre-Med, spent a month this past summer working in a government run hospital in Cambodia. Sam shadow...

Evie Giaconia Conducts Thesis in the Ecuadorian Rainforest
Nov 8, 2017
Honors senior anthropology major and Chancellor’s Scholar Evie Giaconia spent this past summer in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest conducting ethnog...

Honors Students Visit The Farm
Oct 6, 2017
Ten students in Dr. Heather Waldroup's HON 2515: Museums and Heritage Studies seminar visited Appalachian's Teaching and Research Farm at the Blackbur...

Three Honors Mentors Named "Most Helpful Faculty and Staff"
Sep 22, 2017
Congratulations to Drs. Angela Mead, Heather Waldroup, and Ted Zerucha on being named AppState's 2016-17 "Most Helpful Faculty and Staff."...

Meet App State's Honors SGA Senator!
Sep 19, 2017
Here's a message from your Honors College SGA Senator:Hello! I am Connor Hughes, and I am serving as one of your Honors College Senators for the 2017-...

Honors Service-Learning Day, A Celebration of Community!
Sep 7, 2017
Thursday, August 17th was Honors College Service-Learning day for new Honors freshmores. Sixty-six students participated in Service-Learning day. They...

The Honors College Welcomes 111 New Students!
Sep 6, 2017
One hundred and eleven new students have been admitted to the Honors College for Fall 2018. All of these students demonstrate ambitious goals, intelle...

Sarah Aldridge Spends Summer Fighting for Equity at D.C. Public Schools
Aug 24, 2017
Honors senior Sarah Aldridge returned to Washington, D.C. this summer to join the D.C. Public Schools Urban Education Leaders Internship Program. As a...

Honors Students Travel to Study “Secret Codes Through World War II”
Aug 16, 2017
This summer eleven Honors students traveled with Drs. Rick Klima (Honors Academic Mentor and Professor of Mathematical Sciences) and Holly Hirst (Prof...

Alyssa Phillips Makes Friends with Wallabies
Aug 10, 2017
Honors Senior biology major Alyssa Phillips joined Appalachian's May 15-June 15 faculty-led trip, "Exploring the Flora and Fauna of Australasia." Drs....