November 21, 2018

Honors Wednesday Memo

Opportunities and Information for Honors Students

edited by Brad Rentz

Volume 2, Issue 14

November 21, 2018


Message from Dean Jeff Vahlbusch 

Dear Honors students across the university, dear faculty, and friends,

As we move toward our various thanksgivings, and toward well-deserved breaks from the work and play of learning, I offer four lines by the American poet Thomas McGrath (1916–1990) that I have been quoting often recently. The lines are from his 1977 book Letters to Tomasito, written to his son (Minneapolis:  Holy Cow Press):

How could I have come so far?
(And always on such dark trails)
I must have traveled by the light
Shining from the faces of those I have loved.

I’ve had so many occasions in the first 44 Honors Wednesday Memos to thank the many dedicated people who make the Honors College, and all Honors education at Appalachian, possible--from Honors students, staff, and faculty; to department chairs and college deans; to the members of Honors Council; to our provost and our chancellor.

Lately I have been meeting and corresponding with extraordinary people who have given and are giving of their own personal treasure to help us serve our extraordinary students better. I look forward (with their permission) to celebrating them and making their important contributions known in future Memos. So much of what we do, so much of what we are able to do, is created by the generosity of others.

Let’s thank all those by whose wonderful light we are traveling.



Dr. Jeff Vahlbusch ascending the stairs of the Appalachian Hall. Photo by Garrett McDowell


Upcoming Opportunities: 

Dr. Vahlbusch will be delighted to assist with applications!

 My Place or Yours? Honors Course

Have you ever wondered where worlds of creativity, geopolitics, economics, identity, and environmentalism intersect?

My Place, or Yours? is a course that explores these concepts through creative collaboration with our partner institutions – Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, and Yongin University in Yongin, South Korea.  To learn more about this Honors Course, please click here.

National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Abstract submission to the 2019 National Conference on Undergraduate Research are now open! This conference, of close to 4000 participants, promotes undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activities in all disciplines. It provides a great opportunity for undergraduate students to network, learn about graduate schools and employment opportunities, and gain a broad understanding of research across disciplines. The deadline for submissions is January 28, 2019. For more information, please visit our website.

Spring Undergraduate Research Assistantship

The Office of Student Research is now accepting applications for our Spring 2019 Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) Program. The Spring 2019 URA deadline is Wednesday, December 5, 2018 with award notifications made by mid-January 2019. For more information and to apply, please click here.

UNCG Honors Call for Papers

The 19th Annual Undergraduate Honors Symposium presented by the Lloyd International Honors College at the University of North Carolina – Greensboro will be held on Friday March 1, 2019. If you would like your work submitted to this symposium please visit our website and submit by the December 20 deadline.

Cuba Study Abroad

Study abroad this summer studying Cuba through dance and food! The travel dates are June 8 through June 22. This is a great opportunity to fulfill your study abroad desires for a very decent price! Please visit our website to learn more!


Upcoming Thesis Defense:

Jeff says: Support your fellow Honors College students and faculty by attending Honors thesis defenses!  You'll marvel, learn, and grow. And each defense you attend, you'll make your own easier.

Emma Bouma: December 6, 4 – 5 pm, Blowing Rock Art and History Museum, will present Remembrance: The Nostalgic Impulse at Work.


Stay in the Know…

Chancellors Scholars Mini-Conference

On November 29 from 6 to 8 pm in the Three-Top Mountain Room of the Student Union, there will be a mini-conference for the 2018 Chancellor’s Scholars to report on their research projects in their Honors Seminar.  To learn more about this event, please visit our website.

Appalachian State Collegiate Recovery Community

Appalachian State CRC is a service offered through the Department of Wellness and Prevention services that is here to assist students with promotion of health behaviors, risk behavior modifications services and much more. If you are someone you know may need these services, the CRC team has weekly drop-in hours from 12 to 2 pm every Tuesday. For more information, please visit our website.

Duke Energy Utility Initiative

Landon Williams, a Senior Public Engagement Specialist at Duke Energy is coming to speak on Appalachian’s campus on November 26 from 4 to 5 pm in the Table Rock Room of the Student Union. This speaker series is free and open to the public, please click here to learn more.

Expression Night

App State Active Mind’s Expression Night, a night of art, music, poetry, and more will be held on November 29 from 7 to 9 pm in the Whitewater Lounge of the Student Union. Please visit our website to learn more!


In the Honors Spotlight

Adrian Rice’s Authors New Poetry Collection


Adrian Rice, who accompanied the Chancellor's Scholars to Dublin and taught at least one session of the Honors first-year seminar, Voyages, was featured in Appalachian Today. Rice has recently published a new poetry collection which can be found in the Honors College Library located on the second floor of Appalachian Hall.  To read the full story from the Appalachian Today magazine, please click here.


Honors Students Attend Etiquette Dinner


The Career Development Center enjoyed hosting many Honors College students at last week's third annual Etiquette Dinner. Students enjoyed a free 4-course meal, received dining and business etiquette tips, and experienced conversation and networking opportunities with local and regional employers.

This event continues to prove itself as a fun and enriching experience for all those in attendance. Remember, dinner etiquette is all about making everyone at the table feel comfortable and being able to share a pleasant experience. We hope that everyone enjoyed networking with our employer sponsors, staff, and other students, learning about potential opportunities for themselves (or friends!) and left with tips to as well as an eased idea of the upcoming interviews that will be doorways to your future.

To read the full story by Anna Van Gurp, click here


To Stay in the Know and to Learn About All Opportunities in Honors, please visit


Appalachian State Honors College on Social Media!

Check us out on Instagram also! Find us by searching “Appalachian Honors College”


Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at Appalachian Honors: 


Have news to share? Submissions to the Honors Wednesday Memo can be made by emailing Any content received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday will be considered for the following week’s issue.